  • 學位論文


A study of affecting factors on female intimate relationship homicide

指導教授 : 黃富源


「女性親密關係殺人(Intimate Relationship Homicide of The Female)」是指女性行為人殺害與她具有婚姻關係的配偶、已離婚的前夫、交往中的情人、過去已分手的情人或其他有情愛關係之人的犯罪行為。本研究旨在探討女性親密關係殺人犯罪之影響因素,因不同犯罪者的基本背景、自我控制、社會化歷程、生活壓力、社會支持以及激發犯罪之情境,探究女性親密關係殺人行為之發生,主要是受到哪些相關因素的影響。 本研究蒐集相關之文獻,以形成概念、論文題目及架構,採用問卷調查法,對臺灣桃園、臺中、高雄女子監獄中犯殺人罪之收容人進行調查,以次數分配與百分比等敘述性統計,呈現其人口特性與案情相關描述,透過統計分析比較親密關係殺人者與非親密關係殺人者,其自我控制、社會化歷程、生活壓力、社會支持、激發犯罪之情境、被害者特性、殺人犯罪及刑罰、案後處理方式等變項之相關、差異情形,再以多變量統計分析方法找出影響女性親密關係殺人行為之關鍵因素,尋求改善減少此類不幸事件之建議,以提供相關單位擬定政策措施之參考。 研究發現,女性親密關係殺人犯罪具有以下特質:一、人口特性為年齡51-55歲、高中職教育程度、本省籍、信仰佛教、已婚、沒有小孩、職業為家管或自由業、收入15,001-30,000或無收入、無前科之女性。二、人格特質為不喜歡冒險、喜愛思考。三、犯罪者社會化歷程:家人默許暴力情形多。四、生活壓力:常遭遇家暴、外遇、離婚的情形。五、社會支持:學校關心支持較多,朋友及家人關心支持較少。六、激發犯罪之情境:兩造負面互動多,在案發前喝酒情形多。 本研究建議:一、學校:加強宣導性別平等、性教育、親職教育、正確愛情觀、人際溝通及情緒管理,通報與協助高風險家庭。二、政府及社福相關部門:關懷與照護高風險家庭、提供婚姻諮商、經濟援助、保護受暴者、法律扶助、加強施暴者的心理諮商等社會福利措施、積極處理民眾報案事件、執行酗酒預防與戒治工作。三、女性同胞:參加自我成長課程或是法律相關課程,以提升自我能力並擴大社交圈,萬一不幸發生家暴事件,要鼓起勇氣,對外求援,可報案或透過家暴中心等相關單位的協助。四、社會大眾:多注意周遭發生的事務,運用群體力量增加監控,以降低犯罪的發生,並多關懷支持與幫助受暴婦女。五、大眾傳播媒體:不要過度渲染暴力相關新聞、多加強宣導防制家庭暴力。 關鍵字:家庭暴力、婚姻暴力、殺人犯罪、女性犯罪、親密關係、親密關係殺人。


" Intimate Relationship Homicide of The Female" refers to criminal behavior of the female killed her husband, ex-husband, lover, past lover or those whom have the love or sexual relationship with. This study explored affecting factors on female intimate relationship homicide, due to different background, self-control, socialization course, life stress, social support of the offender, as well as stimulating situation. Through collecting related literature to form concept, topics and schema, and then used questionnaire census on women committed murder in Taoyuan, Taichung, and Kaohsiung Women’s Prison. This study presented population characteristics and case related description by descriptive statistics such as frequency distribution and percentage. Through statistics analysis to find out the correlation and diversity on variables such as self-control, socialization course, life stress, social support, stimulating situation, victim characteristics, sentencing, and offender’s reaction after committing crimes. This study applied multivariate statistical methods to identify crucial factors that leaded to the occurrence of female intimate relationship homicide, seeking to find out the solution of reducing the occurrence of such unfortunate incidents, and proposed to provide reference of the policy measures to relevant authorities. Findings of this study were as following: A. Characteristics of the population: age is 51-55 years old. The level of education is high school. Hometown is Taiwan province. Religion is Buddhism. Marital status is married. Number of children is zero. Monthly income is zero or 15,001 to 30,000. Occupation is housewife or self-employed. No criminal record. B. Personality traits are not adventurous and love to think. C. Socialization course of the offender is family acquiesced violence. D. Life stress is commonly encountered situations of family violence, husband infidelity and divorce. E. Social supports are schools concern and support more, fewer friends and family concern and support. F. Stimulating situations are negative interaction and drinking before the incident. According to the conclusions, recommendations were as following: First, schools should strengthen advocacy for gender equality, sexual education, parenting education, proper love, interpersonal communication, emotional management, inform and assist high-risk families. Second, the Government and the social welfare sectors should attach importance to the solicitude and care of high risk families, providing marriage consultations, economic assistance, protection, legal support, strengthening the battered perpetrators of psychological counseling and other social welfare measures, dealing with issues reported by the public actively, enforcing alcohol prevention and withdrawal treatment. Third, women themselves can participate in the personal growth courses or law-related courses to upgrade their skills and expand the social circle. If unfortunately suffered family violence, women should courage up to seek external help. Fourth, people should pay more attention to affairs that occur around, thus can increase the mass surveillance to reduce the occurrence of crimes, also care and help such victims. Fifth, the mass communication media should avoid excessive violence related news, and strengthen advocacy family violence prevention. Keywords:family violence,marital violence,homicide,female offense,intimate relationship,intimate relationship homicide


