  • 學位論文


Goes through a hole the male university student body image and the life practice

指導教授 : 王雅各


論文提要內容: 本研究使用質性深度訪談法,針對16位身體穿洞的男大學生進行訪談,主要目的是由男性進行身體穿洞行為的經驗,分析台灣校園裡建構的男子氣概、身體意象、次文化對穿洞男大學生的影響。 從齊默爾時尚理論及紀登斯現代性理論等觀點進行分析與解釋,其主軸大致分為二項:一、就臺灣男大學生穿洞行為現象之特點而言,表面上看來是由個人做的決定,實質上社會力量才是真正左右個體的決定,更是受訪者與他者之間的持續對話。二、關於男子氣概的生活實踐方面,受訪者對於「男子氣概」的名詞覺得很抽象,無法確切說出具體男子氣概的定義,故研究者將「男子氣概」分為男子氣概的正向學習與反向學習兩部分,以歸納出男性大學生對男子氣概的具體形象。在正向學習方面可歸納出男大學生穿洞對男子氣概的看法在於,男人要有責任感、有肩膀、有擔當;養家、顧家的守護者;凡事忍耐、堅持到底;很酷、很Man、不輸人;穩重堅強、講義氣及言而有信。另在反向學習方面可歸納為娘娘腔的標籤、青春狂飆及叛逆方式展現自我等。 研究結果發現,穿洞男大學生將身體打洞視為對追求男子氣概的一種實踐,他們藉由身體裝飾來增加自信或自我肯定,內化男性對男子氣概的追求。現今台灣社會在關心性別平等方面以女性議題為多,女性主義者正以行動帶動社會變遷,在男性與女性均被視為性別主流的氛圍下,兩性的性別光譜漸次走向中性化,穿洞行為所展現的男子氣概不同於傳統社會男性霸權的觀念,傳統的男子氣概已無法滿足現代男性的需求,男子氣概因應現今社會力求「性別平等」的潮流而呈現新時代的面貌。 關鍵字:穿洞行為、男子氣概、身體意象、次文化


ABSTRACT This research interviews 16 bachelors, pierced their bodies, by qualitative depth interviews. Based on these men’s pierced experience, the main purpose of this research is to analyze the construction of masculinity, body image, and sub-culture by bachelor’s pierced effect in Taiwan’s university. Based on point of view of Simmel’s Philosophy of Fashion and Giddens’ theory of structuration, this research of analysis and explanation has two main shafts in the following: One is that the key point of characteristics of bachelor’s pierced behavior is social power to influence their decision and continuous dialog between interviewers and others instead of personal decision on the surface. The other is that the concept of masculinity is too abstract to have a concrete definition. Then, the researcher uses positive learning and negative learning to induce specific image of masculinity. In positive learning of masculinity, bachelor’s pierced behavior implies men’s responsibility, to have shoulders or guts, to support his family or to be home guardian, to be patient or stood on, to be cool or man or not loser, to be dignified, honorable or trustable. On the other hand, in negative learning of masculinity, bachelor’s pierced behavior implies sissy performance or youth outrageously arrogant or rebel to manifest the existences of them. This conclusion of this research found that pierced bachelors pierce their bodies as the implementation of pierced their bodies. They covered their pursueness of masculinity to increase personal confidence or approval by their bodies’ decoration. Now in Taiwan, the sexual equality increase female issues are more than male issues. The feminists promote sexual equality, both male and female to be sexual main stream, as social change. With the spectrum of both male and female to be neutralized, bachelor’s pierced behavior will not imply traditional masculinity any more. Hence, the traditional masculinity with bachelor’s pierced behavior can not satisfy modern need. They need find some other way to demonstrate their image of masculinity based on the trend of sexual equality. Keywords:behavior of pierced body, masculinity, body image, sub-culture


George Ritzer, Douglas J. Goodman 著,2004,Modern sociological theroy。Beijing:Peking University。


施昱竹(2012)。舞動台灣─ 談嘻哈街舞自1980年代末期進入台灣後,這20年來的發展流變〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2012.02872
