  • 學位論文


A Study on the Procedure of Urban Disaster Prevention Spatial System Planning under the Influence of Climate Change

指導教授 : 詹士樑
共同指導教授 : 黃書禮


近年來,世界各國的都市人口呈現急遽成長的趨勢,臺灣也不例外,在2005年時,都市人口所佔全部人口的比率已高達78%左右,與1950年代相較,可謂五十年之中快速的都市化。自然災害與人為災害的發生對於人口密集的都市將產生直接的影響,尤其人口密集的都市更容易造成巨大的災害風險損失。根據IPCC第四次報告指出,在20世紀,全球溫度大約會上升0.6℃,氣溫上升會導致南北及冰川溶化,海平面在會從8釐米上升至88釐米。該報告也提出,全球氣候變遷會造成暴雨、熱帶氣旋、熱浪、寒流及乾旱等異常的氣候現象。隨著氣候變遷的議題日趨嚴重,其極端的氣候變化會產生與以往不同的災害類型及災害強度的增加;每項危害都會提高災害的風險與擴大災害的損失,危及人民的生命財產安全,因此,因應氣候變遷的防救災計畫就顯得更為重要。 本研究將利用聯合分析法(Conjoint Analysis)為研究之方法論,將擬定好之替選方案,透過專家問卷給予各方案效用值,統整及分析當前的防災空間系統規劃體制較需配合氣候變遷衝擊作調整的部分,以補足防救災體制尚未完善的部分。 本研究將藉由文獻回顧瞭解氣候變遷形成的因素,整理其現象對台灣都市地區造成的衝擊,並回顧國內目前防災空間規劃體制及搜集相關國外案例,提出氣候變遷與都市系統互動及反應現象歸納整理,針對議題進行更深入的討論並具體提出都市防災新課題,研擬調整方案,並評估出因應氣候變遷衝擊下,都市防災空間規劃之最佳調整方案,並以高雄市鼓山地區防災空間示範計畫做為一簡例,實際操作調整後之程序,最後給予後續研究計畫方向之建議。


The urban population in the world presents a rapid growth trend during recent years. Taiwan also shares the same trend. In 2005, the ratio of urban population in Taiwan has reached about 78%. Compared with 1950, it was a fast urbanization over the last 50 years. It is indicated by IPCC AR4 that the frequency and intense of natural hazard could have significant change under the trend of global climate change. Because of the high dense of population and activities, the urban area is more sensitive than others to the impact of natural disasters. Therefore, the issue of disaster planning of urban area is becoming more important. The study applies Conjoint Analysis as the research methodology. We design the questionnaire for experts to reveal the utility value for the alternatives that involve the climate change consideration into the planning process. The alternative with highest value is integrated to the disaster space system planning framework. Based on the modified procedure, the Ku-Hsang disaster prevention plan completed in 2008 is applied as the case study in which the practice of each adjustment step is illustrated. It is the ultimate goal of the study to propose an effective procedure for disaster planning to reduce the damage of natural hazards.


10. 蕭代基(2008),台灣如何調適氣候變遷,「中華經濟研究院」,
