  • 學位論文


Predictive Factors for Violent and Assaultive Misconducts among Disciplined Inmates:A Test of Theoretical Models

指導教授 : 賴擁連


近年來隨著重刑化刑事政策的實施,各監所的超收比呈現逐年上升的趨勢,而許多研究不約而同地指出過度擁擠的監獄會提高受刑人違規的機率,然而,違規行為越多會影響到監獄秩序的維持,同時也會消耗大量的社會資源來善後,甚至會影響管教人員及受刑人的身心健康,故受刑人違規行為的問題必須即刻被正視。違規行為的樣態眾多,本研究聚焦於暴力違規行為、侵害受刑人的行為、侵害管教人員的行為三種類型,並運用剝奪模式、輸入模式、行政模式及情境模式等四種模式,透過邏輯式迴歸分析(Logistic Regression)與多項式邏輯迴歸分析(Multinominal Logistic Regression)兩種統計分析方法來進行預測,期盼全面性地了解這些違規類型的成因。 研究方法採用次級資料分析,資料來源為學者賴擁連在2007年7月間,隨機抽取7個位於北、中、南等收容與擁擠程度不一的監獄,針對2007年上半年違規人犯報告表、身分簿和處理違規事件的管理人員的基本資料等,以人工方式填入自製問卷中,共取得934筆官方違規受刑人的資料。 本研究發現,無論是暴力違規行為或侵害行為,情境模式皆是關鍵的影響因素,其次為行政模式,而剝奪模式與輸入模式在本研究中並沒有發揮理想中的預測效果,由此可知,無論違規受刑人本身的特質與經歷為何,或者監獄客觀環境如何變化,透過適當的管理安排、嚴格落實作業程序以及管理人員專業訓練,加上有效地監控可能誘發行為的情境,都能使暴力違規行為或侵害行為發生的可能性降至最低。此外,本研究同時採用微觀與鉅觀的擁擠程度來預測暴力違規行為及侵害行為,鉅觀監獄擁擠程度的影響力並未獲得驗證,但微觀的監獄擁擠程度與暴力違規行為呈現顯著的負相關,這似乎暗示監獄副文化的影響力不容小覷。最後,本研究結論得出監獄為教化導向者、有參與教化活動的受刑人,越容易出現暴力違規行為的情形,顯示現行的教化活動安排對於導正違規受刑人有其侷限性,應適時調整與改善。


In January 2005, the Taiwanese Legislature Yuan passed Criminal Law of 2005 Revision, Republic of China (ROC) which mandated stricter penalties for violent, sexual, and drug-related offenders, as well as recidivists. Enacted in July 2006, this “get-tough-on-crime” policy resulted in a greater number of offenders being incarcerated. Over the past years, a dramatic increase in Taiwan’s prison population has occurred. Consequently, there was a rise in the number and rate of inmate misconduct. For example, Joe, Lee, Lin, & Hebenton (2011) noted that prison violent misconduct had increased approximately 18% from 2006 to 2009. Studies show that inmate misconduct not only contributes to an increased risk of injury, impaired delivery of services, physical and emotional problems and loss of privileges among those involved inmates, but also increases the physical and emotional repercussions for other inmates. The issue that inmate misconduct should be fully explored and studied is warranted accordingly. Based on prior studies, this thesis focused on four theoretically approaches (namely deprivation, importation, administrative, and situation models) to predict and explain those disciplined inmates who committed different kinds of misconduct: violent misconduct, incidents against other inmates, and incidents against staff. Official records of inmates’ rule violations were collected from 934 inmates housed in 7 Taiwanese prisons during 2007 summer period. In addition, due to the nature of the dependent variables (i.e. categorical variables), logistic and multinomial logistic regressions have been employed appropriately. The findings showed that based on the total chi-square change of the model, situation model is the relative powerful exploratory model across violent misconduct, incidents against other inmates, and incidents against staff, followed by administrative model. Inconsistent with prior studies, deprivation and importation models failed to be good predictive models in this study. In terms of those explanatory variables, while security level of prison, rehabilitation orientation, participation in grogram, shift of guards reporting incident, the size of cell, incident place, and cooperative incidents were highly correlated with violent misconduct, inmate pre-prison drug record, violent offense while admission, shift of guards reporting incidents, incident place, and cooperative incidents successfully predicted those incidents against other staff. None significantly predicted in explanation of incidents against staff. Discussion and police implications were addressed in final.


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