  • 學位論文


Investigations of satisfactions of highway users during Chinese New Year holiday

指導教授 : 黃怡婷


高速公路貫穿台灣南北,是台灣陸上交通最重要的命脈之一,其對縮短城鄉差距及促進區域均衡發展,貢獻頗大。目前已通車的高速公路共有9條,然每每遇到連續假期,經常出現壅塞的交通狀況,尤其春節期間連續假期較長,民眾返鄉、旅遊人數眾多,如何事先規劃疏運措施,預先加強宣導,相形重要。本篇論文研究的目的為分析春節期間用路人的基本資料,以瞭解主要用路人的特徵;探討民眾使用高速公路的時段、目的、路別及使用之運輸工具;分析除夕前及大年初一後用路人對行車狀況的滿意度、用路人對行車宣導及各項交通疏導措施之滿意度、用路人對高速公路行車狀況之看法。本研究資料來源為交通部於民國 94 年至98 年「春節期間高速公路用路人滿意度調查」,採電話訪問方式,對春節期間有使用過南北向高速公路(國道1號、國道3號或國道5號)且年滿20歲之民眾進行電話訪問。本論文以邏輯斯迴歸模型找出用路人有使用高速公路的相關因子,並以多項式邏輯斯模型找出影響用路人滿意度的相關因子;再比較 5 年共同變項的差異性。 本研究發現近 5 年民眾於春節期間有使用高速公路的比例介於 31% 至 38%,其中使用比例較高的族群為男性、40至49歲、研究所以上及職業為商業或軍公教人員者。使用的主要目的除夕前為「返鄉」,初一以後為「旅遊」。用路人對交通疏導措施之「暫停收費」滿意度最高,而「開放路肩」及「入口匝道封閉」滿意度較低。用路人最不滿意的日子為大年初三,其與春節期間高速公路通行車輛次數成正比且與國道發生交通事故件數較高有關,急待相關單位的重視。宜多透過「電視臺」、「廣播電臺」及「網際網路」加強宣導交通疏導措施,並排除交流道密集區車流量,以疏解高速公路連續假期壅塞的交通狀況。


Highways play an important role in trade and transportation in Taiwan. They reduce the difference between cities and counties and contribute to the regional development. There are nine highways in Taiwan. However, the traffic is always very heavy during holiday seasons, especially during the Chinese New Year. It is then important to arrange policies to reduce the traffic in advance. The purpose of this paper is to understand basic characteristics of highway users, purposes for using the highways, and means of transportations and duration when using the highway. Furthermore, regarding the factors that relate to the satisfaction of policies for highway users are investigated. This study used data collected by Ministry of Communications from 2005 to 2009. The logistic mode is used to assess the association between highway users and basic characteristics regression. The satisfaction of policies for highway user is evaluated by the polynomial logit model. The followings summarized the finding of this study. About 31% to 38% of citizens used highways during 2005-2009 Chinese New Year holidays. In particular, the lowest rate occurred in 2008 and the highest rate was 2009. This reveals that there was only short impact on highway users after high speed rail begins its services. However, there were some changes to long-term and short-term traveling habits when looking at the number of cars passing through the tollgates. About 1% of highways users traveled on the Chinese New Year eve to go home. Among highway users after Chinese New Year, about 70% of them were on vacation. Among policies for releasing the traffic on highways, stopping collecting tolls had the highest satisfaction. Highway users had the least satisfaction on the third day of Chinese New Year about road conditions. This may result from higher traffic accidents and higher traffic volume on that day. The most frequent highway users were male and 40-49 years old, had a master degree and were business men, in military or teachers.


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