  • 學位論文


Study on the constituency voting

指導教授 : 陳耀祥


2010年內政部提出「不在籍投票制度」之構想,具體計畫以「移轉投票」作為首次實施之選舉制度,並預定在2012年第十三任總統、副總統選舉施行;此議題一提出,便引起在野之民主進步黨強烈質疑與反彈,最終該制度也因存有疑慮過多及決意採取總統選舉與立法委員選舉合併而未實施。然而本論文認為,該制度固然因為其中爭議較大而無法在2012年實施,然其目的在於保障參政權中投票權仍屬於我國憲法上保障重要之基本權之一,未來仍有實施之可能,故仍具有相當之研究價值。 此外,觀諸該制度之最早可以追溯1991年國民大會代表改選時,亦存有相關之爭議,且部分爭議在2010年仍再次被提出討論,可見相關爭議仍未被徹底解決,故具全盤探討之實益。又目前國際上已經有超過91個國家以上實施該制度,台灣身為亞洲重要的民主國家,是否以具備相當之條件實施該制度,將值得深入探討。是以,移轉投票制度應否實施,於2010年至2011年間興起各界的關注與討論,然而除了政治層面的論述,更重要的是從理論與實務層面去探討移轉投票實制度施與否,故本論文希望從學理基礎出發,提供該制度將來是否實施的學理上基礎。 本文主要爭探討之面向包含三者,首先為投票程序之介紹,探討移轉投票制度之程序,包括申請資格認定、申請方法、主管機關、投票所設置以及開票程序等構面。其次,就該制度對於我國選舉制度所可能造成之影響進行分析,探討移轉投票制度實施後,對於我國選舉制度會產生如何之衝擊,其中選定重要的選舉舞弊包括:賄選、動員投票、重複領取選票以及幽靈選舉人作為主要討論之面向。最後,針對2010年至2011年間所產生的重要爭點進行分析,包含軍人以及在中國大陸工作之台商適用問題進行探討,其中軍人是否應納入適用範圍爭執許久,又有鑒於台灣與中國大陸間關係仍處於敵對狀態,故在大陸工作之台商納入適用範圍是否妥適,便成為重要的爭點。


In 2010, Taiwan’s Ministry of the Interior proposed ideas for absentee voting and planned on using constituency voting as early as the 13th Presidential Election in 2012. As soon as the idea was announced, The Democratic Progressive Party, the largest opposition party in Taiwan, voiced strong concerns against it. Ultimately, due to the system’s various controversies and questions, as well as the combination of presidential and legislature elections, absentee voting was not put into practice. The author believes that while absentee voting was not used in 2012 due to numerous controversies, the goal of the idea was to preserve voting rights protected by the constitution. Since it is still a practical idea for the future, there is still intrinsic value in studying the idea. In addition, the original controversies date back as far as to 1991, during the reelection of the National Assembly. Some of those controversies were brought to discussion in 2010, so it was apparent that they were not completely resolved and need to be discussed as part of the whole election system. Furthermore, more than 91 countries have already incorporated absentee voting. It is worth discussing whether Taiwan, as one of the most important democratic countries in Asia, is qualified to put absentee voting into practice. Between 2010 and 2011, the public has expressed great interest and started discussions on whether Taiwan should practice absentee voting. However, aside from political discussions, it is far more important to see whether it is feasible to incorporate the system, in both theory and practice. This thesis starts out from basic theories and then analyze whether this system is worth putting into practice. The paper’s argument is in 3 parts. First, it introduces the voting process and discuss the process of absentee voting, including qualification, registration, responsible department, placement for voting booths, and the counting process. Second, the paper analyzes possible impact absentee voting may bring to Taiwan’s election system, such as election bribery, get-out-the-vote, repeated ballot reception, and ghost candidates. Finally, the paper analyzes key arguments that arose between 2010 and 2011, including the eligibility of soldiers and businesspeople working in mainland China. The eligibility of soldiers have always been a controversial issue while the political stance of businesspeople in mainland China are questioned due to the hostile relationship between China and Taiwan.





