  • 學位論文


Factors Related to the Students’ Perceived Effectiveness of Police Internship Curriculum

指導教授 : 林育聖 周愫嫻


「實習教育」是警察養成教育中,促使理論與實務接軌的重要橋梁。透過實習將更能瞭解實務操作,從中找出學習不足並即刻改善,減少未來實務工作磨合期。 本研究就現行警察實習教育深入探討,瞭解訓練人員於接受警察教育三明治教學法──教育、實習、教育、實習、教育,畢業分發至各基層警察單位後,從個人可以自主決定或自發的內在因素,如從警動機、學習態度,與個人無法改變的客觀環境的「外在因素」,如實習制度、實習指導人員的投入程度、實習單位的轄區特性等,探討現職基層員警歷經警察實習教育後,對於實習教育主觀成效認定的因素。 本研究以近1年警專專科警員班正期組學生,畢業分發至各警察實務機關從事分駐(派出)所工作者為研究對象,問卷調查272名臺北市與新北市現職基層警員,透過描述性統計、多元迴歸分析等方法進行統計分析,研究主要發現如下: 一、基層員警對於現行警察實習教育普遍評價良好。 二、警專正期組學生人口特性、實習制度的分數評核標準與成績結果、實習單位轄區特性的勤務運作與組織文化等均不影響實習成效。 三、內在因素顯著提升整體實習成效自評因素是學習態度。 四、外在因素顯著提升整體實習成效自評因素是實習指導員(官)的投入程度。 本研究也依據研究發現,提出三點建議:實施心理量表評估,分階段篩選動機弱者,落實個別輔導,逐級建立淘汰評選機制;落實警察實習制度執行,有效評核實習成效;審慎遴選實習指導員,提高實習指導員待遇。


Internship is the important bridge between police education and practice. For police students, police daily work and special operation are more understandable through proper internship. A good internship can make knowledge in books more practical on streets and shorten the transition period from a student to a professional police officer. This study investigated the current police internship curriculum, so called “sandwiches” design – in-class education, first internship, in-class education, second internship, in-class education, graduation” and how effective this design is perceived by the police students who received it. The study also examined factors related to this perceived effectivenss by the interviewees, such as the motivation of enrolling in the police college and police professon, assigned internship mentors and institutions, and their working environment. The study distributed a survey to 272 former police college students who graduated within one-year and currently work in Taipei City and New Taipei City. Main findings include: 1. The subjects overall perceived their internship as effective and helpful. 2. The subjects’ background, internship marks, organizational culture etc. insignificantly affect their perception on the effectiveness of police internship. 3. The most significant factor related to the perceived effectiveness of police internship at the individual level is the subjects’ motivation to learn. 4. The most significant factor at the environmental level is the internship mentors who were assigned to the students. The most effective way of learning to be a police officer is the hands-on experiences directly from these instructors if the later are willing to devote their time to the students. The study therefore recommends the following suggestions to improve the police internship curricurum. First, to implement different levels of psychological assessments to screen studehts with little or no motivation and provide them with more careen counseling; second, to implement a better and more objective evalution system to students’ internship performance; last, to provide more incentive to internship mentors/instructors or inspire them to devote more to their young colleagues.


