  • 學位論文


Stricter Penalties and Deterrent Effects Among Drinking Drivers

指導教授 : 林育聖 周愫嫻


酒駕乃現今用路人危機之一,為了遏止酒駕行為,近幾年來,酒駕相關罰則不斷 修訂,甚至呈重罰化趨勢,但從統計數量發現,重罰對酒駕累犯的效果有限。於是本 研究將以酒駕累犯為研究對象,分析其特性以及酒駕重罰化對其再次酒駕之嚇阻效 果,期待可以有效降低酒駕累犯的再犯率。 本研究以北部某所看守所318 位酒駕累犯為問卷施測對象,回收率為88%。問卷 內容由研究者自編,由嚇阻理論之刑罰三要素:嚴厲性、確定性、迅速性,及對目前 酒駕相關罰則的瞭解四個層面為自變項,依變項以虛擬酒駕情境題作為再次酒駕傾向 的測量方法。 分析結果發現(1)與未婚者相比,離婚者再次酒駕傾向較高;(2)習慣每天都飲酒者, 其再次酒駕傾向的機率比喝酒頻率低的人高;(3)愈瞭解酒駕相關罰則、認為酒駕懲罰 越嚴厲、被逮捕機率高及刑罰實施迅速者,再次酒駕傾向皆愈低;(4)同樣認為酒駕有 很高的機率會被罰的狀況下,高教育程度者與低教育程度者相比較不容易酒駕;(5)同 樣都非常瞭解目前酒駕相關罰則的狀況下,已婚者與未婚者相比較不容易酒駕。 本研究認為應改善對酒駕累犯的處遇方式,亦即:(1)除了懲罰之外,還需加入醫 療、社福等多元系統;(2)建立快速篩選機制,區分不受刑罰嚴厲影響之累犯者,並給 予不同處遇方式。


嚇阻效果 重罰 累犯 酒駕


Tragedy caused by drunk driving happens every day. In order to deal with this problem, the Policies of drunk driving penalties went more and more severe. But the behavior of drunk driving still prevailing. However, the recidivism rates of DUI are still high. This study provides a new vision of research to prevent the recidivism of DUI. 318 multiple DUI offenders from a detention center were asked to fill out the questionnaire, and the response rates were 88%. Based on the deterrence theory, three elements, seriousness, certainty, and celerity, were treated independent variables. Subjects’ responses to the hypothetical scenario were recorded as the measures of the tendency to involve in DUI recidivism. The results reveal that, (1) compared with unmarried respondents, those who are divorced are more likely to drink and drive; (2) daily drinkers have higher risk to commit DUI than seldom drinkers; (3) the multiple DUI offenders, who know more correct drunk driving penalties, consider that drunk driving penalties are more severe, believe it is much easier to be caught and punished more quickly, are less likely to commit DUI again than their counterparts; (4) the effects of certainty on recidivism are limit to those well-educated offenders; (5) for those offenders who are understand the current drunk driving penalties very well, the married offenders are less likely to commit DUI again than unmarried offender. Current study emphasizes that (1) health care and social welfare are as important as punishment to prevent DUI recidivism; (2) it is necessary to develop a method to separate the different categories of DUI recidivists in order to provide them with the suitable treatments.


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