  • 學位論文


Exploring the Quality of Surrogate Purchasing Platforms and the Consumer Willingness of Using International Surrogate Purchasing Services

指導教授 : 林婷鈴


隨著資訊網路的快速普及,加速電子商務的活絡,其中已有高達43.5%網友曾使用海外購物平台(資策會,2013)。市場上有台灣無法購得,或價位太高的商品使消費者透過委託親友、個人代購、Yahoo拍賣平台或BBS HELPBUY的方法購得。然而,現今購物方式的選擇逐漸由以往的方法逐漸轉向國內外大型的購物網站或國內的代購服務網站。因其具有調整其頁面易用性,付款方式簡便,因而能夠搶攻海內外的客群。 本研究擬探討在網路代購市場中,代購的平台品質對於消費者的有用性認知(Perceived Usefulness)進而影響態度(Attitude)和系統的持續使用之間的關係。本研究經過前測小樣本發現到,系統品質對有用性認知、有用性認知對於態度、和態度對於系統持續地使用有顯著影響。而且,消費者的知覺風險對於態度有負相關影響。本研究根據前測資料修正,進而在正式研究擬探討在網路代購市場中,代購的平台品質對於消費者的有用性認知(Perceived Usefulness)進而影響態度(Attitude)和系統的持續使用之間的關係,探討「知覺風險」(Perceived Risk)對於消費者持續性地使用代購平台及對於消費者使用態度各會造成何種影響? 經過實證研究得出結論如下:系統品質對有用性認知為「些微顯著」,服務品質對有用性認知、有用性認知對態度和態度對系統持續使用意圖皆為「非常顯著」。知覺風險對於消費者持續性地使用代購平台及對於消費者使用態度皆為「顯著」。


With the rapid spread of information networks, the extent of the activeness of the e-commerce is different from the past. This has been as high as 43.5% of Internet users had used overseas shopping (Institute for Information Industry 2013). Some products that are not available in Taiwan or the prices of goods on the Taiwan market are too high, the consumers then acquire the products and goods through surrogate purchasing by relatives or other individuals, or the Yahoo auction platform or BBS HELPBUY website. Today, however, purchasing products and goods by the previous methods has gradually shifting to shopping from domestic and foreign large websites or from domestic surrogate purchasing service websites. Because these websites adjust their web pages for the ease of use and offer convenient payment methods, they have grabbed the customers from home market and abroad. This study is to explore the relationship of the impact of the quality of the Internet surrogate purchasing service websites to the consumer “Perceived Usefulness” and then the impact to the Attitude”, and the consumer continued use of the system. After collecting and analyzing an initial set of samples, it is found that there are significant impacts of the quality to the “Perceived Usefulness”, the “Perceived Usefulness” to the “Attitude”, and the “Attitude” to the continued use of the system. Furthermore, the “Perceived Risk” had negative impact to the “Attitude”. Furthermore, in the formal test, the results are as followed. The system quality has slight significance to the perceived usefulness, the service quality, perceived usefulness to attitude and attitude to continuance intention are having significance impact. And the last results are the perceived risks having negative impact on both continuance intention and attitude.


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