  • 學位論文


The influence of greenwashing on green purchase intention: the mediation effects of green trust and environmental friendliness

指導教授 : 梁世安 陳宥杉


隨著世界經濟成長,工商業急遽發展,使地球資源快速消耗、環境過度開發,並產生許多廢棄物或碳排放,進而使全球氣候變化越趨劇烈,地球暖化日益嚴重,環境保護已經成為全球所重視的議題。商業經營者也意識到此一現象,從生產面到行銷面都有「綠色」的影子存在,消費者基於生態關懷理念,開始購買綠色產品,市場上也有越來越多標榜綠色的產品供消費者選購。但綠色行銷最大的問題是來自於消費者對於商品的不信任,有些公司會基於行銷的考量宣示該公司產品對於環保或綠色的付出或實踐,但實際上卻反其道而行,為虛假的綠色行銷做法,此種作法稱為漂綠。本研究探討漂綠對購買意願的影響,以綠色信任及環境友善度為中介變數,根據過去的相關文獻,設計出四個構面的問卷題項。首先以曾購買過綠色產品的消費者為受測對象,再依據電話簿資料,隨機郵寄紙本問卷,進行資料的蒐集,使用480份問卷進行分析,最後再以迴歸方程式分析方法進行研究假說檢測,據以產生理論及實務的結論與建議。 本研究結果發現:(1)漂綠會負向影響綠色信任。(2)漂綠會負向影響產品之環境友善程度。(3)綠色信任會正向影響綠色購買意願。(4)產品之環境友善程度會正向影響綠色購買意願。綠色信任與產品之環境友善程度在漂綠對購買意願的影響中,有完全中介效果。


As the world economic growth, the rapid industrial and commercial development, overdevelopment of the rapid consumption of Earth's resources, environmental, and produce a lot of waste or emissions, and thus increasingly fierce global climate change, global warming is becoming increasingly serious, environmental protection has become the world's attention to the issue. Commercial operators are aware of this phenomenon, from production to marketing of "green" shadows exist, based on the idea of ecological concern of consumers, buying green products, have increasingly touted green products on the market for sale to consumers. But the biggest problem comes from green marketing consumer distrust of the commodity, some companies would consider claims based on marketing the company products paid to environmental or green or practice, but in fact the opposite line, false green marketing practices, this approach called greenwash. This study investigated the greenwash to influence purchase intention, trust in green and environmental friendly as a mediator, based on past literature, designed four facets of questionnaire items. Start shopping for green products to consumers as the subjects, according to the phone book data, random hard copies mailed questionnaires for data collection, there were 480 questionnaires, and finally to regression analysis methods hypothesis testing, theory and practice to produce of conclusions and recommendations. The results of this study found that: (1) the greenwash will negatively affect the green trust. (2) the greenwash will negatively affect the product's environmental friendliness. (3) the green trust will purchase intention of positively green. (4) environmental friendliness of products will be positively green purchase intentions. Green trust and environmental friendliness in the greenwashing of products the impact on purchase intent, mediating effects.


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