  • 學位論文


Why the True Value Is Hard to Determine in Real Estate Appraisal? Aspect of the Uncertainty Principle of Quantum Physics

指導教授 : 游適銘


在不動產估價理論中,通常利用三大方法來評估不動產的價值,分別為比較法(Sales Comparison Approach)、收益法(Income Approach)與成本法(Cost approach)。 參考國際評價準則與國內不動產估價技術規則相關敘述與規定,亦顯示不動產真實價值一般來說除了與三大估價方法有某種程度的關聯之外,也隨著不同時間、不同因素且不定時的發生變化。 在內文的討論中也發現在不動產估價的程序中,由於最終估值的形成是來自多項因素彼此制衡拉扯下所形成的結果,故與不動產的真實價值之間可能還是會存在某些因素的誤差。此一特性與量子物理的著名理論「不確定性原理(Uncertainty Principle)」有其類似之特質。 故本研究的主要目的為試圖從不動產價值形成的原因來逐步探討各估價方法其主要因素彼此之間的關係,並以量子物理的角度來切入並解釋不動產估價方法對於不動產真實估值上的限制原因並輔以統計實證結果說明與印證理論的初步觀點。


In general, comparison approach, income approach and cost approach are the most popular approaches in the field of real estate appraisal theory. Moreover, according the rule from International Valuation Standards (IVS) and Regulations on real Estate Appraisal in Taiwan, it implies that the precise value not only has correlation with the appraisal approaches as mentioned above but vary with some certain appraisal conditions. During the procedures of real estate appraisal, the formation of final valuation is the result of a number of factors for checks and balances consideration. Therefore, the true value of real estate is hard to determine. after all, this feature as just mentioned is similar with the famous theory - Uncertainty Principle of Quantum physics. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is trying to discuss the correlation between appraisal approaches and some certain appraisal conditions and explain the reason why the precise true value is unable to determine in real estate appraisal from aspect of the uncertainty principle of quantum physics. This paper also shows the empirical result which confirms the preliminary perspective.


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