  • 學位論文


The Influence of Wai Sha Feng Shui Factors on the Housing Price–A Comparison with Lukang town and Changhua city.

指導教授 : 林秋綿


價格為購屋過程中之重要參考因素,而影響住宅價格之形成因素相當多樣,而就華人地區而言,風水為重要影響因素之一;然風水類別多樣,而影響住宅價格之風水主要係以住宅環境周遭之設施構成樣態如建築物等所產生的負能量氣流,即風水之外煞因子為判斷依據。 然風水之影響因人而異且相當主觀,本研究以相關文獻歸納路沖、陰邪煞、天斬煞、反弓煞、壁刀煞、剪刀煞、腰斬煞、壓頂煞、無尾巷、電力相關設施及凶宅等十一項民眾購屋時較忌諱之外煞因子,作為本研究之分析標的並藉由條件評價法以直接問卷方式,探討鹿港鎮與彰化市兩地區之民眾對於外煞因子之認知程度及其影響住宅價格之減價幅度與忌諱程度;使影響住宅價格資訊更為透明同時提供民眾購置住宅時與不動產估價人員評估時之參考依據。研究結果如下: 一、風水外煞因子之認知程度因人而異,必須經由詳細說明始得探尋民眾心中風水因子影響住宅之真實價格;且外煞因子之認知程度主要與受訪者之性別、年齡、教育程 度等屬性產生顯著關聯性;而月所得與有、無宗教信仰屬性中僅部分外煞因子與認知程度產生關聯性;而對於宗教信仰之不同與居住地區不同則無關聯性。二、兩地區受訪者對於外煞因子忌諱程度無明顯差異;而外煞因子之忌諱程度與受訪者之性別、年齡、教育程度產生顯著之關聯性;對於月所得與有、無宗教信仰及宗教信 仰之不同等屬性僅部分因子產生顯著之關聯性;最後,外煞因子之忌諱程度與認知程度及居住地區等項目無顯著之關聯性。三、兩地區之受訪者對於外煞因子之忌諱程度相當明顯,其減價程度以不願意購買具有外煞因子存在之住宅的比例最高。


條件評價法 外煞 風水 住宅價格


The price of house is a very important reference factor during purchasing a house. And it is influenced by diverse factors. In Asia Feng Shui is one of the significant effect factors. However there are many species in Feng Shui, the Feng Shui of residence is mainly decided by the outer negative energy that called “Wai Sha”, it means that the negative energy is born from the outside facilities around house such as buildings,roads or public facilities. The effect of Feng Shui is quite subjective and depends on people who believe it or not .So this study would like to discuss that Wai Sha whether influences housing price or not and what kind of it will general house buyer taboo and investigate the degree of decline of housing price at the same time. And there are eleven Wai Sha factors that general house buyer taboo such as the Lu Chong, the Electricity-Related Infrastructure and Haunted House etc. This study uses the method of CVM (Contingent Valuation Method) to discuss the degree of decline of housing price in people’s minds that live in Changhua city and Lukang town. In order to let the effect information of housing price get more transparency and provide as appraisal reference basis for people who appraise real estate valuation.The results find that: 1. When study would like to get true housing price in people’s minds that be influenced by Wai Sha Feng Shui, must explain clearly because the cognitive of Wai Sha Feng Shui depends on people who believe it or not. The correlation among the cognitive of Wai Sha factors and interviewees’ gender, age, education is singnifcant. And only parts of Wai Sha factors are significant correlation with monthly income and the persons who believe in religion.Finally it’s insignificant among the cognitive and area, the difference in religion.2. The taboo degree of Wai Sha Feng Shui fators is no difference in the areas of this study. The correlation among the taboo degree of Wai Sha and interviewees’ gender, age, education is singnifcant. And only parts of Wai Sha factors are significant correlation with monthly income and religion. Finally it’s insignificant among the taboo degree and interviewees’ cognition, area.3. Wai Sha Feng Shui influences housing price significantly and he people who live in Changhua city and Lukang town would not like to buy the house that exists Wai Sha Feng Shui.


CVM Wai Sha Feng Shui Housing Price


