  • 學位論文


Exploring the Effects of Social Shopping Behavior: in Perspective of Collective Intelligence

指導教授 : 蔡坤宏 江義平




Due to more and more people depend on consumer experiences of virtual community to decide their purchase decision. Users always search for different kinds of e-WOM for choosing the most appropriate product. Social shopping has many features including community-based interaction and consumer experiences information sharing behavior. Today, there were few studies focus on measuring the performance of social shopping. The purpose of this study tries to establish a conceptual framework to measure the effects of social shopping activities, which contains the key elements of (1)the perceptions of social shopping activities,(2)collective Intelligence and dissonance,(3)the consequences of social shopping. This study collected 836 valid internet users’ samples through an online survey. Through factor analysis, six key elements of social shopping activities' perceptions, including Cognitive Diversity/Independence/Decentralization/Aggregation Mechanism/Information Quality and Information Exchange, two effects of social shopping activities, including Collective Intelligence / Dissonance and the consequences of social shopping including Purchase Intention / Community Loyalty were successfully extracted. In addition, we use PLS to analyze the relationship between the elements and measure the effect of different social shopping stimuli. Based on the research results, further conclusions and implications for the theoretical and practical studies are also provided .


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