  • 學位論文


Role and Function of General Affairs Office of Department of Health,Taipei City Government.

指導教授 : 呂育誠


行政機關總務單位受到跨單位臨時性業務增加的衝擊,總務單位之角色功能似乎與過去以強調技術性及以例行性業務為主的印象有所差異,故筆者以跨單位合作(互動)角度切入,藉由總務單位與非總務單位人員對總務角色功能之認知及跨單位事務互動關係,建構總務單位角色定位及跨單位互動模式。研究方法採文獻分析法,歸納今昔行政機關總務單位之異同,並以問卷調查方法,針對臺北市政府衛生局及所屬機關(市立聯合醫院、十二區健康服務中心)之對總務人員與非總務人員進行抽樣調查。調查結果顯示總務單位人員與非總務人員在對總務單位固定性功能業務認知大致相同,然而對於臨時性業務權責認知則有差異,即在現行法規及實務運作上,非總務單位期望總務單位承辦無法歸屬之臨時性業務,而總務人員在權責模糊且人力與能力等資源不足情況下,卻不認為其有能力及義務承辦。 然而,在環境趨勢下,可預見總務人員需承擔越來越多誇單位之臨時性業務,因此本研究提出以下策落建議: 一、新時代總務單位角色功能建置模式:透過府級高層主導推行,並由各機關落實、反饋的系統性過程,重新賦予總務單位角色功能新定位。 二、全觀性總務單位分工:調「部份即整體」,每個庶務人員除了自身職務範疇,也需了解其他庶務工作重點,以利面對突發狀況或需即時反應時,提升溝通效率或能迅速遞補人力缺口。 三、跨單位單一窗口互動模式:由主管指派1名以上專責或兼任綜合性業務(庶務)人員,作為與總務單位聯繫窗口,如此可兼顧單位特殊性又可建立固定之互動模式,有助於跨單位合作效率。   由於總務單位相關研究從80年代以後式微,而實務上,行政單位總務單位已有相當大變化,希後續其他研究能從不同角度切入,豐富行政機關總務單位研究內容,影響實務上及研究上對於總務工作之重視。


跨單位 總務 總務單位 組織合作


Because of the impact by temporary business increases, the role and function of general affairs office is different from the past , which emphasize the technical and routine works. Therefore , the author to research the topic" Role and Function of General Affairs Office of Department of Health,Taipei City Government" by compare to the cognition of Role and Function of General Affairs Office of government ,which in between the staff of general affairs office and others. Literature analysis and questionnaire analysis for the department of Health,Taipei City Government and its subordinate bodies (Taipei City Hospital and 12 Districts Health center) were took to verify research questions. Survey results show that the cognition of the staff of general affairs office and others are different, that who should take the responsibility of cross-unit temporary business. However, under environmental trends, we can predict that general affairs office staff will take more and more responsibilities to cross-unit temporary business. So, the research have three policy suggestions: 1.Build the new era of the Role of the general affairs office 2.Holistic work division of general affairs office 3.Cross-unit single window cooperation mode Since 1990's later, the amount of research about general affairs office of government was seldom, hope to follow-up can take different research approach to rich this important topic.


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