  • 學位論文


An analysis on living arrangements and financial planning among elderly

指導教授 : 彭建文 李美杏


本研究係以人口老化之必然趨勢,面對長壽風險應提早思考並執行退休居住、生活之安排,與理財規劃,經參酌相關文獻,依據財務規劃提供退休老人,安排長住(long stay)居所、長照中心及安養中心,以提高退休後自給自足之生活滿意度,同時降低對青、壯年之倚賴與經濟負擔。高齡化社會中,如何滿足不同財務所得者的居住安排與選擇,是政府、銀髮商機業者與普羅大眾必須關注的議題。本研究提出配置概念的財富管理模式,提供為中壯年族群面對退休居所評選的思考方向。 綜合本研究結論與建議扼要說明如下: 一、 問卷結果,超過4成受訪者已開始執行退休生活的規劃,且女性認同的比重優於男性,在年齡層認同度的差異上則出現明顯階梯式的差距;受訪者對於退休後二度就業比重高達45.9%,透露出儘管人口結構改變,勞動人口比重日益下降,但仍有不少的潛在就業人口願意延長退休年齡,建議政府及企業建立人力再運用策略,延續職場生命,將可提升國家競爭力。 二、 本研究受訪者49%有意願進住私人提供的老人安養中心,雖然比重尚未逾半,但也鼓勵了老人安養市場存在的必要性,未來面臨高齡人口成長的高峰期,民眾將盼望有品質的安養中心,能更茁壯與多樣化,以滿足對環境安全、價格合理、生活安排等需求的族群。 三、 全部受訪者有54.7%已開始籌措退休所需資金,而其中僅有29.5%認為自己所領的退休金足敷支應未來退休生活所需,7成的人尚須補足退休金的不足;至於未開始籌措退休資金者為45.3%,則有65.4%的人面臨退休金不足的情形;而受訪者投資工具多以銀行存款為主,建議選擇平時往來、信任的銀行,建立良好理財諮詢的管道,善用時間複利效果,來累積退休準備金。並可透過有安養信託業務的銀行,約定在特別的時點或於將平時累積的財富移轉為信託財產,依據約定執行生活照顧與醫療費用的撥付,降低長者資金運用管理上的風險。


The research is about how people should do for their retirement life. Population aging is quite a trend that is unavoidable. While facing the longevity risk, people should start to think and make the arrangement for the dwells, the lives and financial planning after retiring. In order to increase in life satisfaction through self-sufficiency, 1. Over 40% of respondents have started planning for retirement, and higher ratio of women agree about it than men. It has appeared significant gap between the differences in recognition of different disparity age. The proportion of re-employment for the respondents are up to 45.9%, which shows that even though demographic has changed and the proportion of working population is declining, there are still a large number of potential working population willing to extend their retirement age. I’ll recommend the government and enterprises start a human resources re-use policy, which can continue the career life and can also enhance the country’s competitiveness to achieve a win-win deal. 2. There are 49% of the responders are willing to live in private retirement centers. Although the ratio hasn’t got more than half yet, it still encourage the need in retirement centers market. While we will be facing the growing in the elderly at its peak in the following decades, we expect retirement center can become better and diverse. Therefore, it can meet the needs for any kind of people. 3. There are 54.7% of the responders have begun to raise the funds for their retirement, and there are only 29.5% of them believed that they have got it enough. About 70% of people yet to make up for the lack of their pension. As for those who haven’t begun to raise the retirement funds are about 45.3% and 65.4% of them might be facing the same situation.In fact, you can choose the bank that you trust, and input your savings invest in some kinds of mutual found to obtain interest compound effect, through regular doing, the long-term benefits could replace the retirement provision. At the same time, if the bank has the trust property system, you can transfer some savings to the trust account. According to the agreement by the bank, it will be respond in your life care and medical expenses payment.


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