  • 學位論文


The Impact of Organization change on Job Satisfaction for Staff of Agency Against Corruption

指導教授 : 周愫嫻


2011年7月20日,我國成立了第一個專責於國家廉政政策規劃,執行防貪、反貪及肅貪等業務的「法務部廉政署」(以下稱廉政署),並吸收了原法務部政風司之人員與業務,並承法務部之命辦理全國全國廉政風業務規劃與政風人員之管理等作業,因此,廉政署對於全國政風機構與人員,為具有實質決定權與影響力的「上級機關」。 廉政署成立迄今已4年有餘,期間不斷受外界質疑在肅貪業務上與法務部調查局有「疊床架屋」之嫌,而身處廉政團隊一分子的政風人員,對於廉政署之組織變革後,相較於前政風司時期是否有明顯的差異,是否因而影響個人在工作上的「成就感」,為本研所欲探究的議題,並期盼透過此一研究能助於更加瞭解政風同仁,以提昇組織的整體工作成效。 經本研究問卷調查方式,發放給所抽選8個機關所有政風人員共645名填答,在調查期限內計回收309份,有效問卷總計211份,回收率為32.7%。有關組織變革之問項調查統計,總體而言,受測者認為廉政署比較好之選擇比例為20.3%,大於政風司之16.1%。受測者對於個人從工作環境中所獲得的滿足,或對於組織能幫助提升個人工作職能的規畫,有較高的認同,而對於組織管理制度與個人期待的滿足,是值得主管機關予以關注及努力的方向。


On July 20, 2011, Taiwan established the specialized anti-corruption institution named “Agency Against Corruption, Ministry of Justice” (AAC) in charge of planning anti-corruption policies, preventing corruption and setting up corruption investigation operational law enforcement. The new angency in the beginning recruited mainly from the officers in Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Justice as well as police officers, assistant prosecutors and other young law enforcement agents. The Ministry of Justice is determinate that the AAC has to carry out planning policies and managing all of the different public sectors by intergrating the workforce from the Internal Affairs officers. The AAC plays the rold of a “Supervising Agency” which has the authority and influence to all the government internal affairs units and new recruited officers. With the AAC having been established for four years, the public remains skeptical of the integration between the two supposedly independent government departments in dealing with anti-corruption matters. After this major organizational change, do the Internal Affairs Units officers and the newly recruited staff at the AAC work more effectively and more collabratively? Does it affect their work climate and job satification? This study, thus, intends to explore these questions, especially on how the perceived organizational change affects on job satisfaction between the two groups of staff. The study used survey instrument to conduct opinions among the AAC staff from 8 units nationwide. The response rate was 32.7% with a total sample of 211. 20.3% respondents perceived that the AAC performed better as an organiztion than the previous Department of Internal Affairs (16.1%). The respondents highly agreed that working in the AAC received more job satisfaction than the previous Department, especially on the personal career planning. The respondents, however, recommended further improvements of the managial stretagies and the opportunities of job fulfillment.


