  • 學位論文

公有非公用土地設定地上權運作模式之研究 —國有土地與臺北市市有土地之差異分析

A Study on Operation Mode of the Superficies of Public Lands for Non-public Purpose –An Analysis of State-owned Lands and Taipei City-owned Lands

指導教授 : 劉維真


近年來,隨著行政院在民國98年指示:「500坪以上的國有土地不出售」。當時國有財產署已依行政院指示,停止標售大面積國有土地,國有財產法第53條於101年配合修正後,政府以設定地上權模式,進行國有非公用土地的開發已逐漸成為主流趨勢。在民國97年至102年已有38宗國有土地地上權開發,共為國庫帶來新台幣178億2,659萬元的權利金收入。   綜上,以地上權模式開發國有非公用土地已逐漸成為主流趨勢,國有非公用土地數量面積廣大,當國有財產署逐漸以設定地上權方式全面開發時,地上權運作模式將影響我國國土使用政策深遠,研究地上權運作模式即具有重要性。   除中央積極推動地上權模式開發國有非公用土地外,部分地方政府亦以地上權模式開發其所有非公用土地,其中,以臺北市政府辦理之案件數量居冠,經驗豐富,因此本研究選擇以臺北市政府作為地方政府代表之研究對象。   本研究透過文獻分析法,將過去相關研究進行整理與歸納,並將現行法規命令與案例進行整理,擬定課題,進一步以訪談研究法訪問具相關地上權政策實務經驗之專家學者,以便詳盡明瞭國有非公用土地與臺北市市有非公用土地設定地上權運作模式與實務現況,作為研究公有非公用土地設定地上權運作模式之基礎。   研究發現,國有非公用土地與臺北市市有非公用土地設定地上權運作模式,兩者法源與作業流程相異,實務運作上亦相異,此乃源於中央政府與地方政府之差異性,及兩者案件性質上差異性。   因此,公有非公用土地設定地上權運作應尊重各單位相異之情況與政策目的,採行不同運作模式方為適宜,當地方政府辦理其設定地上權案件時,應依當地情形與各自政策目的,訂定自治法規運作,並非皆遵照中央政府運作方式辦理,方為妥適。


In recent years, according to the instruction of Executive Yuan: “If the public land for non-public purpose is 1,650 square meters or more, it shall not be sold by public tendering.” in 2009. National Property Administration was in accordance with the instruction to stop selling public land in Taipei city, and Article 53 of the National Property Act was also modified, the measurement of creation of superficies rights on the public land for non-public purpose has begun the mainstream trend. During 2008- 2013, there were 38 pieces of national public land which created superficies rights, and its royalties came in 17.82695 billion NT dollars to national treasury.   Therefore, creation of superficies rights on the public land for non-public purpose has begun the main trend. The number of national non-public land is very large. When the National Property Administration determined to use the mode of creation of superficies rights on the national non-public land, the operation mode will influence national land policy deeply. Thus, it is important to investigate the operation mode of superficies of public land for non-public purpose.   Not only the central government uses the mode of creation of superficies rights on the national non-public land, the local government also uses this mode. Taipei City Government has the most case of creation of superficies rights on the non-public land among the local governments, so researcher chose Taipei City Government for the representative of the local governments.   The research methods are analyzing the literatures and the cases and interview. Researcher compiled the related studies and connected cases with laws and regulations, and interviewed the experts who have the experience of creation of superficies on public land for non-public purpose. To realize the creation of superficies on public land for non-public purpose operation mode and practice status on state-owned lands and Taipei city-owned lands. The interview results would become a base for the following studies.   The research found not only the regulation but also practice status is different between the state-owned lands and the Taipei city-owned lands. The reasons are from the difference between the central government and the local government,and the differences in the nature of the case.   Above all, the research suggests that the operation mode of superficies on public land for non-public purpose should according to the different government departments and the different policy objectives use different operation mode. The local government implements creation of superficies rights on the public land for non-public purpose should set up regulations in accordance with local situation and policy objective rather than in full compliance with the central government operation mode.


