  • 學位論文


Environmental and economic benefit evaluation and comparison of Taiwan's offshore wind power policy measures.

指導教授 : 張四立


摘要 近年來全球溫室效應,所引發的氣候變遷問題備受矚目,提倡減少二氧化碳排放量成為重要環境議題,導致推動再生能源成為各國的能源政策的重要一環。能源發展為產業與經濟發展之動力來源,且與人民生活息息相關,在永續發展過程中扮演著不可或缺的腳色。現今世界各國正面臨能源供應是否穩定與安全、氣候變遷等挑戰,各種節能減碳技術因應而生,新興綠色產業能源儼然成為未來發展趨勢。 各國在綠色產業發展過程應考量其地理位置與國情因素,訂定相關法規與政策,藉以研擬出適合本身之綠色能源之方向。台灣目前的電力來源主要為火力發電廠和核能發電廠,然而取得能源的同時也衍生出環境之問題:1.二氧化碳排放造成溫室效應、2.自主能源之缺乏(煤礦、石油)。面對能源耗竭的嚴重議題,世界各國已陸續尋求各種替代性能源,其中風力能源之開發更是備受重視。而台灣是位屬季風氣候區的國家,蘊含豐富之風力資源,在有限陸域面積之限制下,離岸風能將是未來替代性能源發展的重要標的。 本研究以系統動態學研究方法,設計不同風力發電策略情境之模擬,分析發電量、發電成本及減少二氧化碳排放量等影響,建構我國風力發電之系統動態模擬。




Abstract The deterioration of global energy and environmental problems in recent years has forced many countries to accelerate their paces in developing and utilizing alternative energies. Almost all countries in the world encounter problems such as the stability of energy supply, climate change and many other challenges. Various energy saving and carbon reduction technology have been developed, and green energy industry has emerged as the most promising industry in all countries. Currently, considering these the following two environment issues: CO2 emission increase due to the growing use of fossil fuels and the depletion of natural resources such as oil and coal; the development of the system planning in electricity sectors to fulfill the ever-increasing of the electricity demand has caused serious concerns. Generally there are two main sources of fuel used in electricity sector in Taiwan, which are thermal and nuclear power. Facing the serious issues about of fossil fuel depletion, the world has started to seek alternative energy sources, including wind energy development as one of the possibilities. However, Taiwan is located in monsoon climate zone, which contains abundant source of wind. Due to the land limitation issue, offshore wind energy will be an important alternative energy development in the future. Therefore, this research constructs a system dynamics model of wind power generation and designed to simulate different scenarios of wind power policy, the resulting capacity installed and electricity generated, as well as the impact in cost of power generation and carbon dioxide emission reductions for each of the scenarios have been analyzed accordingly. Keywords: Offshore Wind Power、Renewable Energy


offshore wind power


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