  • 學位論文


A Study of the Tourism Marketing Strategy for Local Government:The Case of Chiayi City.

指導教授 : 顧慕晴 博士


隨著全球化時代來臨、傳統的疆域界線日趨模糊,隨著國內產業結構的變遷或是政府財政的困窘,都導致了地方政府必須以自身力量維持地方上的永續發展。所以,以往由中央政府主導地方發展的策略,已轉換成地方政府擁有地方上發展的主導權。地方行銷概念已在台灣各地生根發展。而觀光素有無煙囪工業之稱,地方政府藉由觀光產業行銷其地方特色就成為現代地方政府的顯學,而地方觀光行銷可視為地方行銷下的細項。隨著知識經濟與科技時代的來臨,地方政府也結合了觀光網站與手機APP導覽,規劃出無國界、零時差的地方觀光行銷手法。除此之外,更是大力推動觀光景點、節慶活動等吸引民眾的目光。地方觀光的行銷若是成功,有助於地方推展其觀光產業,進而提升地方上的經濟,並強化地方競爭力。總而言之,地方觀光行銷乃是地方政府推動地方特色以增進地方經濟發展之重要手段。 地方行銷就像學者Kotler,Haider & Rein 所言:「將地方視為一種市場導向的企業,以策略性行銷方式,將地方發展視為可吸引人的產品,藉由強化地方經濟基礎和更有效率地滿足及吸引既有和潛在的目標市場(主要包括企業、投資者、人民、觀光課與會議人士、產業等),來主動行銷地方特色」。以往的地方行銷文獻所注重的是觀光景點、節慶行銷或是活動行銷,而極少針對地方整體的地方行銷策略規劃作為研究探討,因此本研究以嘉義市作為研究之個案,根據策略規劃之概念,並以深入訪談之方式,探究嘉義市目前的觀光現況與問題,因地制宜規劃出適當的地方觀光行銷策略組合8Ps,並得到研究發現與政策建議。 研究結果發現:嘉義市目前的觀光行銷有五大面向,分別為觀光資源、遊客分析、觀光定位、問題對策及合作關係。 研究建議方面,嘉義市政府應該從採取行銷策略8Ps的組合,產品策略可結合地方特色、訴說嘉義市本身的歷史背景及推動環保產品確保永續發展;價格策略可維持目前的物價指數、使用者付費根據現況暫不收費、嘉義市可以推出優惠套裝旅遊;通路策略可擴大其深度及廣度、資訊必須讓每一位接受者了解、中央政府應協助通路之設置;促銷策略須在內容及手段上創新才能吸引遊客、中央政府應適度投入資源及規劃觀光藍圖然後部分授權給地方政府,擁有更多自主性;夥伴策略要建立相關合作平台,將外部威脅轉化為外部機會,整合資源及意見後發揮綜效、透過溝通減少推諉、權責不一之現象;政策策略必須讓政策的標的人口有感,也就是讓觀光的當地市民及外縣市遊客能了解現有觀光政策並享受其好處、推動政策之首長必須擺脫數字之迷思、中央政府可將觀光政策的決策權部分授權給地方政府;人員策略可打造一個對遊客更加友善的觀光環境,改善基礎建設、培訓大量外語觀光人才,以備供應將來之需求、先從大眾化行銷開始,最後聚焦在差異化行銷,也就是嘉義市先把遊客這塊餅做大後,再根據自身觀光資源的特性規劃不同的產品給不同屬性的遊客(目標市場);定位策略可聚焦在文化層面,以「佳藝市」或是現代化小型消費城市、既有行銷之產品(例如:嘉義市為棒球原鄉)之概念做為觀光定位,透過市民票選本市觀光定位也是可行方法。 關鍵詞:嘉義市、行銷策略、觀光行銷


嘉義市 行銷策略 觀光行銷


With the advent of the era of globalization, the traditional territory boundaries become increasingly blurred. Due to the domestic industrial structure changes or the governmental financial embarrassment, local governments must maintain its sustainable development by its own strength. Therefore, the policy of local government development in the past dominated by the central government, it should be converted into the control by local development now. Local marketing concept development has taken root in parts of Taiwan. The tour is known as“tertiary industry”that local governments by marketing its tourism industry has become the local characteristics of the paradigm of learning the local government, and place tourism marketing can be viewed as a breakdown under place marketing. With the advent of the era of knowledge economy and science and technology, local governments combined sightseeing tour of the site with the phone APP, plan out without borders, zero-day regional tour marketing practices. In addition, it is vigorously promoting tourist attractions, festivals, etc. to attract people's attention. If the local tourism marketing success, contribute to the local carry out its tourism industry, and thus enhance the local economy, and to strengthen local competitiveness. All in all, the local tourism marketing but local governments to promote local characteristics important means to enhance local economic development. Place marketing, as Kotler, Haider & Rein said: "The place as a market-oriented enterprises, strategic marketing efforts, will be regarded as an attractive place to develop products, by strengthening the local economic base and more attract and efficiently meet existing and potential target markets (including business, investors, people, meeting people and Tourism Division, industrial, etc.) to actively marketing local characteristics. " Its usual place marketing literature focus is tourist attractions, festivals marketing or activities marketing, with little paper for overall strategic planning as place marketing research discussed in this study as a case study of Chiayi City, according to the concept of strategic planning, in-depth interviews and the way to explore the Chiayi City tourism current status and problems, according to local conditions planning an appropriate combination of place tourism marketing strategy 8Ps, and with findings and policy recommendations. The results found that: Chiayi City currently has five tourist-oriented marketing, tourism resources, visitors analysis, tourism positioning, problem countermeasures and cooperative relations. Research proposal, Chiayi City Government should take from a combination of marketing strategies 8Ps, product strategy can be combined with local characteristics, Chiayi City itself tells the historical background and the promotion of environmentally friendly products to ensure sustainable development; pricing strategy can maintain the current price index, the user fees based on the current situation is taken free way, Chiayi City can launch promotions package tours; place strategy to expand its depth and breadth, so that every recipient of the information must be understood that the central government should help set the purpose; promotion strategy should be on the content and means innovation in order to attract tourists, the central government should be appropriate to invest resources and tourist planning blueprint then partially delegated to local governments, have more autonomy; partner strategy to establish relevant cooperation platform, external threats into external opportunities, integration of resources and advice to produce synergies, reduce communication through prevarication, powers and responsibilities of the different phenomena; policy strategy must make the target population policy felt, it is to let local residents and tourist visitors to understand and enjoy the benefits of tourism policy, promoting policy the heads must get rid of the myth figures, the central government may be part of the decision-making authority tourism policy to local governments; person(customer)policy can create a more friendly to tourists tourism environment, improving infrastructure, training a large number of different langue tourism personnel to prepare supplies future demand, starting with Mass marketing began, the final focus in marketing differentiation, that is, making visitors to Chiayi City more and more, and then plan their own tourism resources according to the characteristics of different products to different attributes of tourists (target market ); positioning strategy can be focused at the cultural factor, with "Jiayi city"(It means excellent art city)or small consumer modern city, and then marketing of the product (for example: KANO festival) of the concept as a tourist position, the citizen voted by the tourism positioning method is feasible. Keywords: the Chiayi City, Marketing Strategy, Tourism Marketing, Local Government.


