  • 學位論文


Nature Reserve Network Planning for biodiversity conservation under climate change

指導教授 : 蕭代基


20世紀中葉之後全球各地區、國家皆朝向工業化與消耗型經濟體系發展,過渡使用自然資源的結果造成許多環境問題,目前已日趨嚴重且明顯的全球暖化將會造成全球氣候變遷。自然環境條件的改變,將會進一步引起物種自主性調適的分佈變遷。若決策規劃者仍然只以目前物種分佈情況進行保護區網絡規劃,將無法因應氣候變遷帶來的衝擊,使得保護區網絡,無法達成保育生物多樣性之目標。因此本研究依據保護區網絡規劃之理論與技術為基礎,擬定氣候變遷下,因應物種可能面臨人為開發與自然棲地變遷之雙重壓力之最適保護區網絡規劃。並將保育成本加入折現之概念,提出基礎模型以及三種不同規劃概念之模型。作為未來氣候變遷下保育政策擬定時的參考。 氣候變遷下物種分佈區域會有所變動,因此在研究中針對此特性設計以下4種保護區網絡規劃策略:(1)基礎模型:保護區的劃設隨物種分佈變動而變動(2)模型一:保護區的劃設隨物種分佈變動而變動,但若劃設為保護區的區域已被開發,則需加入恢復成本。(3)模型二:將物種現在及未來可能分佈的區域皆劃設為保護區,並不再進行調整。(4)模型三:規劃初期將物種現在及未來可能分佈的區域皆劃設為保護區,之後逐漸釋出對保育生物多樣性貢獻較小的區域。 並且建立模擬分析資料,進行模型之模擬分析。結果顯示,小尺度9乘9網格區域之保護區網絡規劃,在達到相同保育水準之前提下,4種規劃策略所需之保育總成本現?分別為,基礎模型:5667元;模型一(低度開發):10044元;模型一(高度開發):19845元;模型二:6213元;模型三:9177元;模型三(基礎模型之Ajt):7656元。並採用基礎模型t1劃設之保護區網絡作為無氣候變遷之保護區,保育總成本現值為5473元。有無氣候變遷之保護區網絡的保育成本差值,可視為保護區網絡在氣候變遷下面對衝擊所付出的調適代價。基礎模型之調適代價較適用於開發壓力不大的地區,若物種未來棲地被開發風險大時則需要從模型一至三來看,本研究模擬結果顯示,模型二的規劃方式付出的調適代價最少。但不同的生態與社會經濟資料,將有可能反映出不同的結果。建議某區域之保護區網絡規劃,可使用基礎模型與模型一至三規劃保護區網絡,再將結果做比較,取其較符合此區域或政策目標的保護區網絡。


Reserve network have two main roles. It should sample or represent the biodiversity of each region and they should separate this biodiversity from that threaten its persistence and keep them survive for a long time. Nowadays global warming results climate change of global scale. Species had been known respond in different ways and rates to climate change. It’s likely to affect the structure and function of existing ecosystem. Thus it is important that the policies of nature conservation and practices should be considered that the likely impacts of climate change on species, habitats and reserve network. This study aims to establish four models of reserve network planning for biodiversity conservation under climate change. four models were set to show different reserve network planning strategies: (1) basic model: conservation areas change with the distributions of species (2)model 1: conservation areas change with the distributions of species, and the recovery costs are counted in the total conservation present cost when conservation areas were degradation of environment (3)model 2: the conservation area includes the areas that species distribute now and future (4)mode 3: in the very beginning, the conservation area includes the areas that species distribute now and future, then release the areas that lost conservation values. The result of simulation shows that conservation cost of four strategies are :(1)basic model: 5667 dollars;(2)model 1(lowly develop):10044 dollars;(3)model 1(highly develop): 19845 dollars;(4)model 2: 9177 dollars;(5)model 3: 9177 dollars;(7)model 3(Ajt from basic model):7656 dollars.If there is no climate change then total conservation present cost will be 5473 dollars. The different in conservation present cost between climate change and no climate change regard as valuing of the economic cost of biodiversity impacts from climate change. The basic model is the cheapest one, but it may underestimate the cost. Because the recovery cost was not counted. Therefore it’s suitable at lower development area. If the planning area is more developable in the future then it would be better to consider model1 to model 3. Furthermore the model 2 is the cheapest one in this simulation. Comparing four models and choose the most suitable one for nature conservation policies when planning one area’s reserve network.


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