  • 學位論文


Community-based participation management in wetlands –A case study of Huajiang Waterfowl Nature Park

指導教授 : 龐元勳


濕地的參與式管理,其意涵為社區居民及所有利害關聯者,在夥伴關係的架構下,分擔管理的權利與責任。拉姆薩公約將在地參與濕地管理,視為明智利用濕地的重要管理原則。 臺北市華江雁鴨自然公園,位於都會區與野雁保護區間,是以河濱濕地為主的近自然化公園,鄰近社區與利害團體已漸發展不同形式與程度的參與行為,堪為都會型社區參與濕地管理的典型案例。本研究依據拉姆薩公約「建立與強化在地居民與原住民參與濕地管理的指導方針」提出的「在地居民與原住民參與程度評量指標」系統,結合資料分析、參與式觀察、問卷調查與專家訪談等方法,對於該地社區參與實況,分就誘因、信任、資訊交流與能力建立、彈性、及延續性等五個面向,進行綜合評析。 研究顯示,當地社區參與式管理未臻成熟,除了受居民認知影響外,困難主因政府主管單位專業能力與編制不足、缺乏引導社區參與明確政策、尚未建立「管理協議」、資訊交流不足、培力計劃未落實、並與社區代表角色與態度等有關。而目前由不同利害關連者組成的「華江濕地守護聯盟」,以彈性整合資源方式,形成參與平台,值得追蹤其發展。在地參與管理應有助於凝聚社區價值共識,並藉過程中的學習,強化居民生態認知與管理能力,有利於濕地永續經營管理。


Participatory management of wetlands denotes a partnership framework where communities and stakeholders share the rights and responsibility in management. Ramsar Convention deems the local participation in wetlands management an important principle for the wise use of wetlands. Huajiang Waterfowl Nature Park of Taipei, located between urbanized area and the Taipei City Wild Geese Protection Area, embraces primarily quasi-natural riparian wetland. The nearby communities and stakeholders have been developing various modes and levels of participation behavior, and may be regarded as a typical case for urban participatory management. This study applied the indicator system of “Measuring local and indigenous people’s involvement” proposed by Ramsar in ”guidelines for establishing and strengthening local communities’ and indigenous people’s participation in the management of wetlands“, to the evaluation of participation situation in the park. By means of information analysis, participatory observation, questionnaire survey, and professional interview, we performed the integrated evaluations on 5 suggested dimensions, i.e. incentive, trust, flexibility, knowledge exchange and capacity building, and continuity. The study showed the local participatory management was not well-developed. Except for the immature awareness of residents, difficulties might come from the shortage of professional and manpower in the authority and explicit policies guiding the community participation, lacking management agreement and information communication, and poorly performed empowerment programs. It also highly depended on the roles and attitudes of the community representatives. However, the currently running “Huachiang Wetland Guardian Alliance” composed of various stakeholders was forming a flexible resources-integrated participation platform, and deserved to observe its future development. We concluded that local participation could help integrating community’s value consensus, and strengthening ecological awareness and management capability of residents via learning by involvement, eventually favorable for sustainable management of wetlands.


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