  • 學位論文


Evaluating the Effect of Anti-Corruption Marketing with Multimedia: An Experimental Research on the Yameme Animated Series in Civic and Law-Related Education

指導教授 : 胡龍騰


貪污事件古今中外層出不窮,我國近年來雖積極以各種大眾傳播媒體向社會宣傳反貪觀念,惟觀諸世界上清廉國家的反貪經驗,「教育」為反貪工作不可忽略的重要環節。本研究以此出發,將反貪與社會行銷結合,藉由多媒體輔助教學,以「閻小妹法治教育卡通」做為媒介,向國小學童行銷反貪觀念;而為進一步釐清以卡通影片行銷反貪觀念的具體成效,在研究方法上,採準實驗研究設計,以新北市○○國小四年級學童為對象,透過對立的控制組與實驗組進行實驗觀察,其中,實驗組再依接受反貪觀念刺激的內容廣狹度以及時間長短,分為實驗組一(觀看二集反貪腐卡通影片)、實驗組二(觀看三集反貪腐卡通影片)、實驗組三(觀看四集反貪腐卡通影片),控制組則觀看不涉及反貪腐內容的卡通;四個組別均分別於觀看卡通影片之前接受前測,並於觀看完影片後,隨即進行後測。透過準實驗設計,本研究欲探討的研究問題為:一、接觸多媒體刺激的國小學童,於反貪觀念的提升程度上,是否和未接觸刺激的學童有所不同?二、接觸不同程度多媒體教學輔助刺激的國小學童,於反貪觀念的提升程度有無差異?三、國小學童的個人背景特質(如性別、是否具備擔任班級幹部經驗等),是否會影響反貪觀念的形成? 研究發現,接受實驗刺激的實驗組,於反貪觀念(包括「反對貪污」與「拒絕賄選」二個子概念)的提升程度上,不僅與控制組出現差異,更分別依其接受之實驗刺激,表現出於「反對貪污」與「拒絕賄選」之認知、情意態度、技能各個構面的實質性差異,且不僅接受多媒體輔助教學刺激的學童,於反貪觀念的提升程度上優於未接受的學童,在接受不同程度多媒體刺激的學童之間,也會因為接觸刺激的程度不同,於反貪觀念的提升上,有著高低不同的差異。此外,學童個人的背景特質,如性別、是否具有擔任幹部經驗,均對於反貪觀念的形成有著一定程度的影響。是以,本研究認為,以卡通此種多媒體輔助教學的方式來行銷反貪觀念,不失為一可行之道,並值得推廣於全國國民小學。


The main propose of this study is to evaluate the effect of anti-corruption marketing with multimedia- the Yameme Animated Series in Civic and Law-Related Education. Quasi-experimental Design is applied to fourth-grade classes from an elementary school. For the purpose of this study, the classes are divided into experimental group and control group. The experimental group is then further divided into three groups: group I watched two series of the Yameme Animated Series in Civic and Law-Related Education; group II watched three series while group III watched four series. The control group watched cartoon that is unrelated to anti-corruption. Students in all groups had a pre-test before watching the cartoon film, and had a post-test right after they finished watching cartoon film. The research questions addressed in this study as follow: (1) Whether elementary school students accessing anti-corruption stimulus will benefit them in building the concept of anti-corruption. (2)Whether elementary school students accessing lots of extent stimulus will have improved concept of anti-corruption than those who accessing less. (3)Whether elementary school students’ personal background (such as gender or being a class leader) will affect them in building the concept of anti-corruption. In short, the main conclusions are including: First of all, depending on the content of cartoon film they had watched, experimental group which accessing anti-corruption stimulus not only learn much more than control group, but also obtain different domains of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor of anti-corruption. Furthermore, groups which accessing lots of extent stimulus had superior concept of anti-corruption than those accessing less. In addition, gender and the experience of being a class leader will influence elementary school students on building the concept of anti-corruption to a certain extent.


