  • 學位論文


Facture Affecting of Social Enterprise Marking:A Case Study in Handcraft shop of Fair Trade

指導教授 : 翁興利


21世紀社會企業的蓬勃興起,仍無法避免面對經濟危機的衝擊,社會企業如何扭轉逆境為本文探討核心。本文以公平貿易手創商店為例,透過文獻回顧、深入訪談與決策實驗室研究法,探討影響社會企業行銷因素。研究目的為瞭解社會企業行銷環境,找出影響行銷成效關鍵因子,並且探討因子間的因果相關性。 研究結果顯示,公平貿易手創商店優勢在於,精準掌握顧客需求,以提升顧客價值,並善用產品故事創造互動式行銷;組織規模小,人員、通路不足為主要劣勢。外部環境雖須面對經濟危機與潛在競爭者的威脅,但組織目標符合社會價值走向,積極與政府政策配合,仍可創造機會,提升議題重要性。 本研究經由文獻分析與訪談資料,透過決策實驗室研究法找出影響公平貿易手創商店行銷關鍵因子,依行銷4C為四構面歸納出20項因素為因子篩選問卷基礎。再者,透過立意抽樣篩選出影響行銷成效的關鍵因素,再進一步以指定樣本抽樣,針對店家與顧客發放問卷,回收問卷資料分析結果如下: 1. 透過因素篩選問卷,「設計美學」、「消費氛圍」、「定價透明」、「材質與原料」、「稀有性」、「口碑行銷」、「生產端互動」、「便利性」、「生產履歷透明」、「功能性」等10項因素為影響手創商店行銷之關鍵因素 2. 「設計與美感」、「原料、材質」、「稀有性」為影響公平貿易手創商店的主要核心關鍵因素 3. 「生產端互動」、「口碑行銷」、「消費氛圍」為最易受其他因子影響的關鍵因子 4. 「口碑行銷」為關聯度最高的因素,也是原因度最低的因素 5. 溝通構面原因度皆為負,屬被影響因子群 綜上所述,本研究認為在行銷層面手創商店可發展多元產品以符合顧客需求,不能僅偏重社會理念的輸出為本,並注重設計與美感,提升產品溢價空間。再者,以增加設計與美感、稀有性原則能有效提升溝通構面成效,並擴張口碑行銷的散佈力。最後,採機動模式提升消費便利性。再者,針對社會企業發展而言,可更加落實定價原則透明化與積極建立多元社會夥伴關係,以克服資源短缺之憾。未來,也可從國際與政府等外部環境著手,善用國際組織的資源與政府的文創推廣,開創台灣文創商品新徑。甚至,積極參與國際非政府組織運動,設法增加國際能見度,期待與政府發展互利共生關係。


21st century booming social enterprise, still can’t avoid facing the impact of the economic crisis, how to overcome adversity is the core of this article. This paper is a case study in handcraft shop of fair trade, through a literature analysis, in-depth interviews with DEMATEL, investigated facture affecting of social enterprise marketing to understand marketing environment of the social enterprise, identify critical factors affecting marketing effectiveness, and explore the causal factor correlations. The results show the advantages of fair trade handcraft shop can accurately grasp customer needs, in order to enhance customer value, and use the story of products created interactive marketing; instead of size of the organization, personnel, lack of access. Although the external environment exposed to the threat of economic crisis and potential competitors, the organization objectives of social enterprise complying with the trend of social value, can still create opportunities to enhance the importance of the issue by actively with government policies. Following the literature analysis and in-depth interviews and DEMATEL method, the study probed into the key factors of marketing of handcraft shops. According marketing 4C constructs summed up 20 initial factors. In order to filter out the critical factors, the researcher sent out the questionnaires using Purposive sampling technique; thereafter using Specified sampling method, requesting the survey attendees to assist in questionnaire delivery. The results of the data analysis from the questionnaires were presented as below: 1. According to the feedback, 10 critical factors collected were as follows: "Design aesthetic", "Consumer environment", "Transparent pricing", "Materials", "Rarity", "Word of mouth marketing", "Interactivity of producer", "Convenience", "Transparent production records", "Functionality". 2. "Design aesthetic", "Materials", "Rarity", were the core factors affecting adolescents to disclose their homosexuality. 3. "Interactivity of producer", "Word of mouth marketing", "Consumer environment", were most susceptible to the other factors. 4. "Word of mouth marketing", was the factor with the "highest correlation" and the "smallest relation". 5. All of the communication factors belonged to the affected quotient group. In summary, the study recommends into three levels of marketing gimmicks, organizational operations, government policies and international environment.


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