  • 學位論文


The influence of gender and generation on Taiwan MJIB agents' occupational attitudes

指導教授 : 孫懿賢 周愫嫻


調查局係我國司法調查機關,職司貪瀆及賄選查察、重大經濟及毒品等犯罪防制。自2006年起,該局放寬女性投考之限制;另1976年以後出生之多元世代(又稱為網路世代或Y世代)亦開始加入執法行列,性別及世代差異是否會影響調查官之工作態度,乃極為重要且亟待深入研究之議題。揆諸過去文獻,大致認為性別及世代差異均可能對調查官之組織承諾、升遷傾向及積極執法態度造成影響,即男性對於組織承諾、升遷傾向及積極執法態度均較女性正向;多元世代對於組織承諾、升遷傾向的態度較其他世代負向,但對於積極執法的態度則較其他世代正向。   本研究於2011年5月中至6月中對調查局局本部、臺北市調查處、新北市調查處、臺中市調查處、臺南市調查處及高雄市調查處等單位進行問卷發放施測,共計回收394份有效問卷,經統計分析後,發現性別及世代差異對於調查官組織承諾及升遷傾向之影響均不顯著,此與過去文獻不符;另在積極執法態度方面,大致發現女性調查官之執法工作奉獻性不如男性,而多元世代則較1975年以前出生之轉型世代傾向以較強勢之手段進行搜索,對於羈押之重要性也較為肯定,以上與過去文獻部分相符。值得注意者,本研究發現不同性別及世代調查官對於彼此間是否存在著執法技術之差異,有顯著不同之認知:男性認為女性之行蒐技術及逮捕能力不如男性,女性則持否定之看法;多元世代認為轉型世代之辦案企圖心較低,轉型世代亦不苟同。最後,本研究發現性別及世代間並沒有交互作用之現象。


性別 世代 工作態度 調查局 調查官 執法


This thesis examines the influence of gender and generation on law enforcement officers’ occupational attitudes using survey data collected from special agents of the Taiwan’s Investigation Bureau, Ministry of Justice (hereafter referred to as MJIB). MJIB represents a key law enforcement agency of Taiwan’s criminal justice system specializing in the investigation of government corruption, bribery, economic crimes and illegal drug transactions.   MJIB was chosen as the subject of the thesis because of its demographic changes in gender and generation in recent years. The agency lifted its quota restrictions on female agent recruitment in 2006. Meanwhile, worth noticing as well is the emerging population of the “Net-Generation” agents, who were born and grew up after 1975 when martial law was ended and now represent a whole new liberal generation in an agency dominated by a conservative bureaucratic culture.   Previous research has acknowledged the influences of gender and generation on law enforcement officers’ organizational commitment, career advancement and task execution aggressiveness, indicating that male officers exhibit more supportive attitudes than their female counterparts in all three aspects, and that the Net-Generation officers are less aggressive in organizational commitment and career advancement but have a higher degree of involvement in task execution than senior officers.   Based on 394 surveys collected between May and June, 2011 from MJIB agents in Taipei City, New Taipei City, Taichung City, Tainan City and Kaohsiung City, findings of this survey, however, are not consistent with these from previous research. It is found that gender and generation do not significantly affect MJIB agents’ attitudes toward organizational commitment and aggressiveness in career advancement. With respect to task execution, the female agents are found to be less dedicated to duties, and the Net-Generation agents prefer aggressive raids and investigation approaches and favor the importance of arresting suspects. This study also points to the contrast between the agents’ self-perception and their counterparts’ perception of their skills and attitudes. For instance, most of the male agents do not think their female counterparts are as capable as they are of discovering of suspects and executing arrests, but the female agents disagree on that. In the meantime, the Net-Generation agents regard senior agents as less aggressive in task execution, while senior agents hold opposite opinions. The study also did not discover any interaction effects between gender and generation on agents’ occupational attitudes.




