  • 學位論文


Evaluation of Natural Disaster Employment Service- A Case Study of Typhoon Morakot

指導教授 : 翁興利


政府為協助天然災害後的復原及災區失業者,訂有專門的作業要點,2009年8月莫拉克颱風所造成的災情,受災範圍過大,單以原作業要點的協助恐緩不濟急,且重建工作與就業服務對受災民眾影響很大,因此開辦「八八臨工專案」。該專案辦理一個月期間,平均每天上工人數計達1萬餘人,對受災民眾幫助甚大,但執行過程中也因有一些疏漏而遭批評,政策問題應可加以檢討。 本研究以深度訪談法及文獻分析法,製成修正式德菲問卷,蒐集學者、專家、政策規劃者及政策執行者共25位的意見,深入針對「八八臨工專案」的執行情形及效果進二回合前後約5個月的政策德菲調查。具體而言,調查的主要問題如下:一、探討行政院勞工委員會辦理「八八臨工專案」的合理度。二、探究「八八臨工專案」對受災失業者就業究竟有何實質的影響。三、探討措施的設計於政策執行過程中的影響及效果。 本研究的具體發現如下:在政策層面有三:一、八八臨工專案於八八風災中發揮了社會效益,但對促進就業則較難呈現效益。二、救災階段規劃臨時工作津貼措施,有其難以突破的限制。三、中央規劃與地方執行間的合作關係有待加強;在執行層面有四:一、八八臨工專案政策立意良好,但執行時衍生出負面評價。二、政策規劃者與政策執行者間的認知有落差。三、工作簡化似不宜加重第一線執行人員的負擔與壓力。四、八八臨工專案以龐大的行政資源共同協助災區失業者 在未來規劃時應思考之面向有二:一、八八臨工專案造成反工作誘因,影響勞動市場用人需求。二、研訂就業協助方案前,宜先確認天然災害時需協助對象之需求。 最後,從研究發現對政府未來天然災害發生後的就業服務政策、執行方式及後續值得研究方向等提出建議。


The government has set policies and measures to assist victims of natural disasters with recovery and employment. However, faced with a major disaster caused by the typhoon Morakot in August, 2009, existing measures would not permit optimal and timely aids to victims’ critical needs for recovery and employment; thus the government created a contingency program named the “August 8 Temporary Work Program”. This program lasted for one month, allowing daily work for approximately ten thousand plus workers, which substantially benefited the disaster victims. However, there were some administration oversights encountered along the way which caused public criticism, indicating the need for policy review. This study uses the methodology of in-depth interviews and literature reviews to develop a modified Delphi survey. It collects the opinions of twenty-five academics, subject matter experts, and policymakers along with administrators for a full exploration of the “August 8 Temporary Work Program” as to its implementation and efficacy through two rounds of modified Delphi surveys over five months. The study specifically focused on exploring three dimensions of the program:1. The reasonableness of the “August 8 Temporary Work Program” launched by the Council of Labor Affairs, Executive Yuan; 2. The efficacy of the “August 8 Temporary Work Program” in terms of resolving disaster victims’ unemployment, and 3. The design of measures in terms of implementation efficacy and their impact on policy. This study makes the following three policy findings: 1. The “August 8 Temporary Work Program” provided some tangible and immediate social benefits during the Typhoon Morakot recovery period, but it could not make substantial impacts on stimulating long-term employment. 2. The provision of temporary employment subsidies for the disaster victims had operational difficulties. 3. The partnership and collaboration between the central authorities and the local administrators need to be strengthened. IV In terms of implementation, there are four findings: 1. The policy concept behind the “August 8 Temporary Work Program” was supported, but its implementation resulted in some negative criticism. 2. There was some cognitive dissonance between the public policymakers and the administrators who implemented the policies. 3. The simplified process of providing temporary employment emoluments benefited the victims, but somehow created extra burdens and stress on the people who stayed on the first line of operation. 4. The program has spent a substantial amount of public resources to assist the unemployed disaster victims. For future planning, considerations should be given along two dimensions: 1. The “August 8 Temporary Work Program” generated some disincentives to work, impacting the overall labor market demand and supply. Future planning should take this finding into consideration. 2. Prior to initiating disaster employment service programs, it is important to first verify the needs of the natural disaster victims. Finally, based on the research findings, the study provides recommendations for policymakers to plan future natural disaster employment service programs and implementation methods, as well as follow-up study suggestions.


