  • 學位論文


A Research on Police Crime Prevention Strategy in Hsinchu Science Park

指導教授 : 孟維德


新竹科學園區為國家規劃使用之經濟特區之一,其每年生產毛額均占全國總生產毛額10%以上,因此該園區治安的穩定則受到政府格外的重視,責由保安警察第二總隊114名警力專責該園區的治安維護工作。為使國內其他相類結構的科技園區能夠仿效,研究者以訪談法及次級資料分析法,探討新竹科學園區的治安問題、犯罪特性及警察策訂回應犯罪策略內涵與機制等四大面向;有關訪談人員選擇採立意取向,以在新竹科學園區任職3年以上之官、警7名及新竹科學園區管理局3名安全管理主管為訪談對象;有關本研究信度、效度檢驗,係藉由次級資料之客觀性佐證具有主觀特性的訪談資料,同時以三角檢驗 法再進行檢驗。以下各項為本研究發現: 一、竊盜、網路詐欺及交通意外事故案件,為新竹科學園區當前之 治安問題。 二、員工結合外人進行竊盗、破壞生產機具之不法行為,為新竹科 學園區業者較關切的治安問題。 三、未來的治安趨勢,除既有的治安問題繼續存在外,有關防止駭客 入侵及金融機構搶奪案件發生,應提前因應。 四、汽、機車失竊的地點與汽、機車被毀損的地點,有重疊之處,且 有聚集之現象,此現象包含竊盜案件和交通意外事故發生之時 間。 科學園區警察中隊面對園區治安問題,以提高見警率、增加逮捕數、問題導向警政、情境犯罪預防、犯罪預防宣導、破窗警政及治安會議等策略因應;其策略產生的機制有如下: 一、由中隊長召集所屬幹部開會討論後決定策略作為。 二、由中隊長就新竹科學園區治安問題,於園區各種治安會報機會中 提出,經會議討論後,由新竹科學園區管理局局長裁示策略作 為。 為使新竹科學園區的治安能夠更有效的得到控制,本文建議如下: 一、根據園區治安問題,調整警力部署。 二、強化犯罪預防宣導,以防止廠區再發生竊盜及毀損案件。 三、邀請犯罪學學者、專家提供治安策略意見。 四、善用治安會議功能,以維護園區治安。 五、強化金融機構反搶措施,以遏止強盜、強奪案件發生。 六、巡邏結合步巡,以提升巡邏效益。


Hsinchu Science Park is one of the nationally planned economic special area to produce and develop high-tech products. It earns more than 10% of annual GNP of Taiwan. So the public security of Hsinchu Science Park had received special attention from the central government that is why about 120 police officers of Special Police Second Headquarter has been assigned to this special mission. So as to make other science parks are enable to follow, the researcher conduct the research from 4 dimensions, including interviewing, second-hand data analysis, criminal characteristic and mechanism of response strategies. Interviewing, the researcher chose seven police officers who had been work in the science park for more than 3 years and science park security management administrators. Reliability and validity, the researcher takes the second-hand data to prove subjective interviewing data and check again through Triangulation. Following are discovers: 1、Burglary, internet fraud and traffic accidents are top public problems in Hsinchu science park. 2、The industries of Hsinchu Science park have more concern about the employee-collaborated theft and the huge lose from illegal equipments damaged behaviors. 3、Besides existing security problems, future public security problems prevent should take the hackers and banking robberies into account. 4、Cars and motorcycles stolen cases often gather happened in overlapping spots, robberies and traffic accidents time also does. Hsinchu Science Park police squadron takes actions below when face public security problems: raising visibility via increase patrolling frequency, increase arresting numbers, using problem-oriented policing, conducting crime prevention propaganda and public security meetings The strategy brings mechanisms as follows, 1.The commander convenes squad leaders to discuss and decide the tactics. 2.The commander proposes public security problems and solutions in weekly and seasonal meetings of Science Park Administration (SPA). Strategies and actions will be decided by The SPA general director. To promote the public security of Hsinchu Science Park, suggestions are listed below, 1.Redeploy the police force according to the security problems. 2.Strengthen criminal prevention guidance to avoid robberies and equipment damages cases. 3.Invite criminologists and experts to offer professional opinions. 4.Use the function of public security meetings better. 5.Strengthen financial institutions anti-robbery and counter-terrorism awareness. 6.Arrange walking patrol in hot spot of crime.


Bayley,D. H.1991. Forces of Order.Berkeley,CA: University
of California Press.
Bayley, D. H.1994.Police for The Future,New York: Oxford
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