  • 學位論文


A study of energy conservation behavior and its influencing factors of industrial sectors in Taiwan.

指導教授 : 李堅明


2011年,我國工業部門能源消費量占國家總能源消費量38.6%,而二氧化碳排放總量占總排放量48.6%,因此,提升我國工業部門之能源效率亦為我國發展之重要課題,但廠商能源效率投資效益具不確定性,且面臨相關之障礙,進而產生「能源矛盾」。故本研究回顧廠商面臨之投資障礙與對策,並瞭解目前先進國家工業部門提升能源效率之政策與績效,以及相關提升能源效率之最佳作法,同時,分析我國能源密集產業能源效率與節能績效,並建立能源效率投資決策模型,分析能源價格與折現率等變數對於節能投資與能源使用之影響,以及對我國149家能源密集產業進行問卷調查,掌握我國工業部門節能活動、偏好與影響節能活動的障礙,並運用問卷結果進行節能行為與節能績效之關聯性分析,最後再利用能源密集產業自願性節能申報資料進行實證分析,尋找影響我國工業部門能源效率提升之關鍵因子。 本研究分析顯示,我國工業部門能源效率普遍達到改善,然而,尚未達到能源節約,表示我國工業部門可能存在反彈效果;問卷分析發現,多數廠商能源效率提升率約為1-2%,且投資金額以低於500萬元以下為主,並以改善公用與管理措施為主要節能活動,而缺乏節能技術與資金為廠商主要之投資障礙,故設備之補貼與投資抵減,以及舉辦節能經驗分享與人才培訓為廠商偏好之政府協助;最後,藉由關聯性分析與實證分析顯示,產業規模是影響產業能源效率的重要因子,而節能行為與電力依賴度越高,能源效率績效愈佳,投資水準將依據其產業特性而對於能源效率提升有不同之影響。


In 2011, the energy consumption of Taiwanese industrial sector account for 38.6% of the country's total energy consumption, while the total carbon dioxide emission account for about 48.6% of the total emission. Therefore, to enhance the energy efficiency of the industrial sector has been an important issue for the country’s development. However, with the uncertainty of firms investment return of the energy efficiency and the difficulty faced, we have encountered the "Energy Paradox." This study is going to review of the investment obstacles and countermeasures the firms have encountered, to understand the current state of the improvement of the energy efficiency policies and performance in developed countries and the best plan to enhance the energy efficiency. In the meantime, we will also analyze the energy performance and efficiency in the energy-intensive industries in Taiwan in order to establish the theoretical model, analyze the impact between the variables, such as the energy prices and the discount rate, the investment of energy saving. Moreover, we will perform questionnaires to 149 energy-intensive firms to study the industrial sector energy conservation activities, preferences and its barriers, then to analyze the correlation between the energy conservation activities, and the actual energy-saving performance. Then finally to identify the key factors to improve the country’s industrial sector energy efficiency through the analysis of the voluntary energy empirical report from the energy-intensive industries. Based on our study, the energy efficiency of industrial sectors in Taiwan has gotten improved. However, it has not yet reached energy saving which means there is a rebound effect exists within our industrial sectors. Through the analysis of questionnaires, the improvement rate of energy efficiency has improved 1-2% in most manufacturers. The mount of fund invested in such issue is mainly less than 5 million NT dollars per firm, and it’s mainly used on the improvement of the public and management facilities. The lack of energy-saving technology and fund are the typical obstacle manufacturers have met, so the government subsidy on the equipment and investment tax discount, the experience sharing and the talent training are the supports manufacturers prefer from the government. Last, through correlation analysis and empirical analysis, it is shown that the industrial scale is an important influential factor on the industrial energy efficiency. The higher the dependence between the energy-saving behavior and the electricity is, the better the performance of the energy efficiency will be. The level of the investment will have different effects, depending on the characteristics of the industry for energy efficiency.


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