  • 學位論文


A Study of Liu Yu’-Sung &《Shang-shu chiu-shu K’ao-cheng》

指導教授 : 林慶彰


劉毓崧,出身於清代揚州地區的民間學者,其父劉文淇,為乾嘉考據學派學者之一。以本論文之研究回顧,發現當今學界研究多半聚焦於劉氏一門三代之《左傳》學,劉毓崧相關研究則相對較少關注。《尚書舊疏考正》為儀徵劉氏家學《左傳舊疏考正》之延續,劉毓崧由父親劉文淇對《左傳》舊疏之考正,更擴及《尚書》、《周易》,擴大儀徵劉氏治經的範疇,故其學術意義重大。筆者的研究路徑,首以「劉毓崧」之學經歷、師承、交遊、著述等文獻考察,以了解劉毓崧成長背景、社群交遊對其之影響。二以「歷代尚書學史」,爬梳歷代尚書學發展之概要。三以「清代揚州學派」切入,探討其成因與特色為何,及如何形塑劉毓崧之治學。四論該書撰作動機、過程與體例,討論劉毓崧與劉文淇考正方法之異同;再歸納劉毓崧《考正》所使用之方法,共七大項十二小項。再以文獻學相關知識,探討《考正》論述中,關於「顧氏亦同此說」之部分。最後為結論,全文共分六章: 第一章 緒論。為本論文研究動機、研究界定、相關研究文獻回顧。 第二章 歷代尚書學略述。首論歷代《尚書》學概況,再切入至劉氏父子當時學風之《尚書》研究風氣與異同。 第三章 劉毓崧之生平與著述。以劉毓崧生平切入,由其生平事蹟、師承、交遊、著述等面向,探討劉毓崧所身處之學術氛圍,如何對其產生治學影響。 第四章 《尚書舊疏考正》成書。首節談劉毓崧心中揚州學者成就圖像,第二節探討清代揚州學派研究《十三經注疏》傳統與特色,由此再談到劉毓崧《尚書舊疏考正》之寫作動機。 第五章 《尚書舊疏考正》內容。首先歸納《考正》對《尚書正義》文字的方法;第二節舉證《考正》為有所憑據,非「漫曰舊疏」;第三節為後世對此書之評價。 第六章 結論。筆者以「傳承揚州學者對《十三經注疏》的研究」、「實事求是之治學典範」、「《考正》方法的啟示與發展」,再次彙整本論文之研究成果。


《Shang-shu chiu-shu K’ao-cheng》,which was written by Liu Yu’-Sung living in Qing dynasty,is also the first one people collation the 《Correct Meaning of the Five Classics》.Liu Yu’-Sung’s 《Shang-shu chiu-shu K’ao-cheng》is continue his father Liu Wen-ch’i’s《Tso-chuan chiu-shu K’ao-cheng》.People always associate with Liu Wen-ch’i’s & his books. Liu Yu’-Sung’s Expanded his father’s study, relate to《Chou-Yi》《Shang-shu》,so academic significance is major.In older to the study from past,it seem like less people research this project.The purpose of this study is to discuss the features and functions of《Correct Meaning of the Five Classics》and the academia of Qing dynasty,expecially in the medium times.The main content of this paper is divided into six chapters: Chapters1:The motivation,demarcates and research review of this thesis. Chapters2:First discoursing past dynasties development of《Shang-shu》,and then discourse Liu and his son《Shang-shu》’s atmosphere. Chapters3:First discoursing Liu Yu’-Sung’s life.And the teacher he meet,the friends he made,the books he have wirten.According to these points,to find out the times academic atmosphere that Liu Yu’-Sung surround in.And it had what effected in his way of research. Chapters4:The motivation,writing background and stylistic rules of《Shang-shu chiu-shu K’ao-cheng》. First discoursing Yu’-Sung think the scholar achievement with Iang-Zhou(揚州). Second,discoursing the scholar located in Iang-Zhou about the research tradition of《Thirteen Classics sub commentary》. Third,discoursing background of《Shang-shu chiu-shu K’ao-cheng》. Chapters5:The contents of 《Shang-shu chiu-shu K’ao-cheng》. First discoursing the methods of《Shang-shu chiu-shu K’ao-cheng》.There are seven ways of Yu’-Sung used it.Second,discoursing Yu’-Sung’s《Shang-shu chiu-shu K’ao-cheng》is rigorous.Third,discoursing the evaluation of 《Shang-shu chiu-shu K’ao-cheng》. Chapters6:Conclusion,giving a summary of research results discussed in the previous chapters.


