  • 學位論文


A Study of Fu Zeng-Xiang's Establishment in Ancient Bibliography

指導教授 : 王國良 盧錦堂


傅增湘(1872-1949)(下文省稱為傅氏),四川江安人,為近代著名之藏書、目錄、版本、校勘學家。傅氏嗜書如命且愛書成癡,經常為了搜購書籍而南北奔波,故其藏書極夥,質量亦高,篋中所藏乃高達二十萬餘卷以上,並收有為數頗豐之宋、金、元刻本,以及明清時期之精刻、精校、舊鈔、名鈔、稿本等善本,係繼清末四大藏書家之後再次興起的藏書名家,所撰著作如《藏園羣書題記》、《藏園群書經眼錄》、《藏園訂補郘亭知見傳本書目》等,皆能充分地展現出其在古籍版本學上的非凡成就與價值。雖然關於傅氏版本學之研究,在臺灣與中國大陸方面,已有為數不少的專書、論文等,對其進行過考證與論述,但就學生所知,目前尚無專文是從「建構」的觀點出發,以對其進行分析與研究,故拙文便趁機見縫插針,擬從「建構」之視角,對傅氏的古籍版本學進行一系列較為深入且細緻的討論。 拙文共分七章。第一章「緒論」部分,乃專就研究動機與價值、研究範圍與方法以及相關研究成果等進行討論與述評。第二章為「傅增湘建構古籍版本學之因緣」。此章第一節旨在探究相關歷史背景,如清代考據學之背景(學術風氣改變之因,考據學興盛之因,考據學與藏書之關聯性,以及傅增湘與考據學之關係等),與清末民初之社會動亂對傅氏的影響。第二節係探討傅氏與當代藏書家之交往情形。第三節則論述傅氏於聚書上使用之方式及其成果的大致展現。第三章為「傅氏校書工作述要」。主要為考辨傅氏在校書上之大致情形,如校書版本的來源、校書前的準備工作、校書的態度及方法、校書之精神與校書成果等。 第四章為「傅增湘古籍版本學建構之主要內容」。此章首先探究傅氏與前代校讎學家之承繼關係,接著討論傅氏之善本觀,最後則闡述其在考訂版本源流、確立版本價值、辨別版本真偽等方面之大致成果。第五章為「傅增湘古籍版本鑒定方式析例」。此章先將傅氏版本鑒定之方式,約略分成「直觀法」、「考證法」、「對勘法」等三類,後於其下再細分為小類,冀望能藉此較為全面且系統性地梳理,並總結出傅氏在版本鑒定上常用的方式。第六章為「傅增湘古籍版本學之『得』、『失』評價及其影響」。此章乃客觀性地考論傅氏在古籍版本學上之優劣狀況與其對後世之大致影響,以彰顯傅氏在古籍版本學上之學術價值與地位。第七章為「結論」。乃綜合拙文之研究所得,並對其作一全面性的總結。


Fu Zeng-Xiang (1872-1949), a bibliographer born in Jiang An Si Chuan, is famous for his achievement in bibliography, edition and textual criticism. Fu searched and rushed for books all his life with great devotion and thus he had a fabulous book collection. The collection is amazing both in quality and quantity amounted more than 200 thousand volumes. Within his abundant possession, there are engraving editions produced in Song, Jin, and Yuan Dynasty, refined engraving, refined proofreading, archaic transcripts and precious books from Ming and Qing Dynasty. Following four great bibliographers in late Qing Dynasty, Fu scaffolded criteria in bibliography for modern researchers. Fu is also a copious writer. His Inscription on Books in Recluse Garden; A Review of Books in Recluse Garden and Bibliography of Amending Shao Ting Legacies in Recluse Garden are essence of his accomplishments in Ancient Bibliography. Though in Taiwan and China, lots of articles and theses were conducted to this great scholar and his masterpiece, yet none of them applied the method of constructional analysis to do the research. With the view of better understanding how Fu constructed his approaches to ancient bibliography, this study elaborates the processes step by step to acquire the appreciation to this scholar. This thesis consists of seven chapters. Chapter One is Introduction, involved research motivation, purpose, comparisons and discussions. Chapter Two presents Fu’s causes and principles in Ancient Bibliography while establishing. In this chapter, three subtitles respectively show history background, Fu’s social connections and the results of the application afterwards. Chapter Three outlines Fu’s dedication in editions, how he verified the originals, and what his attitude and spirit was in proofreading ancient books. Chapter Four depicts the contents of Fu’s construction, his inheritance, his opinions toward ancient bibliography as well as his assertion of ancient version value from those of forgeries. Chapter Five focuses on Fu’s three significant categorizing methods with which Fu enabled himself to distinguish the ancient bibliography. Some illustrations are offered in compliance to help systematically tease these methods in application. Chapter Six evaluates Fu’s influences and achievements in academic contribution. Chapter Seven, the last chapter, poses the conclusion of all my comprehension by studying the brilliant scholar Fu Zeng-Xiang.


