  • 學位論文


Are Folk Religious Activities Positive Restriction or Negative Catalyst ? An Investigation of Behavior Changes in Members of Escorting Generals

指導教授 : 許春金


將團活動帶給世人心靈安定與寄託,是台灣民間信仰中重要的一部分,然而其負面新聞不時躍上媒體版面,使社會大眾普遍抱持不良觀感,信仰需求與社會評價之間出現強烈矛盾。過往研究多從家庭、學校與社會的角度探討將團與負面影響間的關係,而本研究更好奇的是將團活動是否具有正面作用,因此進一步瞭解將團成員之參與動機及情形,參與前後在態度與行為上是否出現變化,以及變化出現正、反差異之關鍵因素為何。 透過對十位將團成員之參與歷程進行深度訪談後發現,參與將團確實會對其成員的態度與行為造成改變,負面變化包含了接受偏差觀念以及從事偏差行為;正面變化則包含責任感的形成、自制力的強化,以及負面評價所激發之自我提昇。這些影響出現正、反差異的原因,在於其參與將團素質之良莠,而團體素質的好壞乃是受到團主素質、團員特質以及組織目標影響,特別值得注意的是,將團成員所受的影響並非近朱者赤、近墨者黑這般被動,而是會隨個人的喜好選擇偏愛的團體類型,有主動選擇的意識與能力。換言之,真正的關鍵在於個人特質會左右參與將團的類型,將團類型才又導致個人變化的不同。 將團活動的正面作用,來自團體生活、表演熱忱與信仰精神共同形成之社會控制力量,當個人與將團之間的連結深厚,為了維護將團的名譽與自己的付出,對自我行為就會有所要求。相較於偏差將團,一般正規將團並不只是消極的不產生負面影響,反而更具備積極的正面作用,這也是掩埋在污名之下,將團的本質與面貌。


民間信仰 宗教活動 陣頭 將團 行為改變


Giving people a feeling of security and bring society stability, the activities of Escorting Generals play an important role in Taiwanese folk beliefs. Nevertheless, Public have negative impressions linked with the group activities due to the negative news reported by Media from time to time, leading to a strong conflict between people’s demands of faith and public’s social evaluation. The purpose of this study is to discuss the participated motivations and circumstances of group members, any changes in their attitudes and behavior after participation, and whether the group activities equipped positive effect rather than the purpose of previous studies, which is focus on the correlation between the group activities and the adverse effect, from the perspectives of family, school and society, and the key factors influence changes in positive or negative way By conducting in-depth interview of ten group members of Escorting Generals, the results suggested that participating group activities prompted changes in member’s attitudes and behavior. Negative changes include that they agreed and engaged in deviance; Positive changes include being aware of responsibility, strengthening self-control ability, and inspiring self improvement. The reason caused good and bad influences after participation is the essence of the group itself that is also depend on the group goal and the characteristics of group leader and members. Particularly, it is noted that members choose their preferred group to join in, instead of passively being affected. In other words, individual personality influences the group characteristics, and the group characteristics changes the members who decide to join in afterwards. The positive effect of group activities is from the power of Social Control formed by community life, performance enthusiasm and beliefs. Once the link between individuals and group activities is solid enough, individuals have the higher awareness toward self-discipline to maintain the reputation of the group. Compared with the deviated group, general groups are not only having the positive nature but also equipped positive effects, which is the nature and appearance buried behind its stigma.




