  • 學位論文


Equality of opportunity

指導教授 : 鄧軫元 彭惠君


現實生活中每個人的成功機會都是不相同的,出生在富裕家庭的人背後有強大的經濟資源,而出生在貧困家庭的人背後有沉重的經濟負擔。透過經濟學實驗模擬現實社會的機會不公平,檢驗人們是否會追求機會上的公平,並更進一步測量受試者的社會偏好及風險偏好來探討為什麼人們會追求機會上的公平。 本研究實驗設計以受試者是否處於無知之幕的條件下將受試者分為兩個群組。實驗結果顯示,在非無知之幕的條件下,被分配為弱勢一方之受試者大部分都選擇公平的機會,而被分配為優勢一方之受試者大部分都選擇不公平的機會。在無知之幕的條件下,實驗結果與理論預期有落差,理論預期受試者在無知之幕的條件下均會選擇公平的機會,但是實際結果卻只有37.5%受試者選擇公平的機會。之後加入受試者風險偏好發現,實際上影響受試者選擇較公平的機會與受試者風險態度有關係。


The opportunity of success for each person is not the same in the real life. People from wealthy families own abundant economic resources, but people from poor families bear heavy economic burdens. We conduct an economic experiment to examine whether people pursue the equality of opportunity or not. Furthermore, we measure individual social preference and risk preference to investigate the reason for pursuing the equality of opportunity. The experimental design considers two situations, one is with the veil of ignorance and the other is without the veil of ignorance. Subjects are divided into two groups according to these two situations. The experimental results show that in the situation withthe veil of ignorance, the subject in the disadvantageous position choose the equality of opportunity but the subject in the advantageous positionchoosethe inequality of opportunity. However, the experimental results do not support the theoretical predictionsin the situation without the veil of ignorance. Subjects choose the equality of opportunity theoretically. But, we find that only 37.5% of the subjects choose the equality of opportunity experimentally. Taking the individual risk preference into account, we find that the reason of choosing the equality of opportunityis related to the individual risk attitude.


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