  • 學位論文


Managerial Overconfidence and Capital Structure Adjustment

指導教授 : 顏汝芳 李孟峰




Studies show that the managers will be conditioning the financing strategy on the target capital structure, and adjust the capital structure toward its target. This study aims to figure out how overconfident CEOs manage leverage toward a target through time. We find that managerial overconfidence will lead to an increase in adjustment speed for over-levered firms, while no evidence showing the association between overconfidence and adjustment for under-levered firms. We further find that over-levered firms with overconfident CEOs will speed up capital structure adjustments only when firms have rich firm-specific growth opportunities or during prosperous periods, and they tend to use equity issuance to reduce leverage rather than debt retirement due to the tendency to invest despite that equity issuance is costly for them. This result suggests that overconfident CEOs will take into account the optimal leverage ratio when making financial strategies, especially for over-levered firms.


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