  • 學位論文


Combining Stated and Revealed Preference Data to Value Recreational Benefit for Mangrove Wetlands in Tamsui River Watershed

指導教授 : 錢玉蘭


本文主要結合三種顯示性偏好與敘述性偏好資料推估淡水河流域紅樹林濕地遊憩價值,包含旅行成本法(TCM)、假設市場價值評估法(CVM)及假設行為法(CB)。首先,以實際TCM資料為基準,透過增加不同比例旅行成本及環境資源條件的假設情境,詢問受訪者旅行次數的變化,增加CB資訊,再詢問民眾為避免現況環境品質惡化之願付價值(WTP)資料;其次,將遊憩需求函數與願付價格函數進行多條方程聯立求解,修正TCM與CB隱含弱互補性僅能估算使用價值(UV)而未能估算非使用價值(NUV)的缺點,並且修正TCM隱含Willig條件以消費者剩餘推估淡水河流域紅樹林濕地遊憩價值的偏誤,而改以Hickian補償變量此較精確的福利測量方式。   另外,本研究發現原先問卷設計之紅樹林濕地環境資源最高水準組合,並非個體心中最偏好的環境資源組合,故利用選擇試驗的多項羅吉斯模型估算個體心中對整體自然資源與環境品質的真實偏好,並以每位受訪者主觀認定之較差環境品質對照目前環境品質,作為實證推估避免環境現況惡化之願付價值函數的環境品質解釋變數。   研究實證結果顯示,透過結合TCM、CB及CVM,實證推估淡水河流域紅樹林濕地價值,可有效運用所蒐集之受訪者資料,符合消費者理論,也修正單獨採用TCM、CB、CVM模型,或者結合其中兩者之模型的缺點。為使淡水河流域紅樹林濕地環境品質不持續惡化,受訪者願意支付每年468元,其中UV為227元;而NUV為241元。濕地環境資源具有供給、調節、支持以及維護文化的功能,價值推估結果可加以佐證淡水河流域紅樹林濕地遊憩價值對人類而言不僅有使用價值,其生態系統服務更蘊含著非使用價值,突顯淡水河流域紅樹林濕地對永續發展的重要性。


This study combines the stated and revealed preference data to evaluate recreational benefit for mangrove wetlands in the Tamsui river watershed. There are two hypothetical scenarios in contingent behavior (CB), including the travel cost increase 10% and the wetland quality improves. Trip model is estimated with the travel cost data and CB data, and then the willingness to pay (WTP) model is also constructed with the contingent valuation method (CVM) data. Finally, simultaneous equations are estimated to slove preference parameters for trip and WTP models. In addition, the study uses the choice experiment method to calculate the utilities for various combinations of wetland biodiversity attributes for each individual. On the contrast of the status quo wetland quality, the most and least favored combinations are then treated as the improved and deteriorated wetland quality, respectvely. Empirical results show that the data-combining model roposed in this study relaxes the restriction of weak complementarity (WC) in TCM and CB, and can thus estimate the use value (UV) and non-use value (NUV). In addition, it also relaxes the restriction of Willig condition imposed in TCM and CB, and can thus estimate the exact welfare measurement-the Hicksian compensating variation rather than the consumer surplus. It is shown that in total respondents are willing to pay NT$ 468 dollars annually to maintain the current quality of mangrove wetlands in the Tamsui river watershed; NT$ 227 dollars for UV and NT$ 241 dollars for NUV. Wetlands contain lots of ecosystem functions, such as provisioning, regulating, supporting and culture. The empirical results show it is very important to preserving mangrove wetlands in the Tamsui river watershed becasuse wetlands bring people UV and NUV.


