  • 學位論文


The Formation and Development of Modern Conception of Raising Baby in Taiwan under Japanese rule

指導教授 : 蔡龍保


一個新觀念的建立到普及本來就不是一蹴可幾的事情,本文探究日治時期臺灣近代育嬰觀念的形成與發展,發現近代育嬰觀念的形成首先需要有新知識的傳遞,而普及臺灣社會則有賴於各種管道,包含官廳單位、學校教育、醫院、社教團體與報章雜誌。本文的研究對象以胎兒、嬰兒為主,與嬰兒相關的人事為輔。   為瞭解近代育嬰新知民眾的肆應情形,透過時人日記和上課筆記,如《水竹居主人日記》、《黃旺成先生日記》與《陳何女士助產學筆記》,以及相關的回憶錄,具體呈現近代育嬰觀念的實踐情形。   在本文的討論裡,筆者觀察到孕婦的孕期活動著重於精神上的安穩與適度運動,亦即胎教觀念呈現變動的狀態;孕婦保護、新生產技術與觀念的出現,讓近代育嬰觀念更為複雜。在嬰兒營養與照護上,嬰兒以人乳為最佳營養來源,由以母乳為宜,其次才是乳母乳,而牛乳再次之,最後才是乳製品的配方奶粉。然而,日治時期臺灣的嬰幼兒死亡率高,臺灣總督府推動嬰幼兒保護事業做為解決辦法。   整體而言,日治時期臺灣近代育嬰觀念的發展相當程度的倚賴近代新式醫學知識作為立論基礎。在近代育嬰觀念的發展過程,一方面吸收新知,另一方面也不完全揚棄舊有思想,呈現新舊並陳的現象,屬於傳統產後照護觀念的坐月子,恰好與近代醫學的產褥期條件、目的皆相符,在不影響總督府統治的前提下,舊有的育嬰觀念經由科學論述而有被保留的機會。


This thesis concerns with the formation and development of modern conception of raising baby in Taiwan under Japanese rule.(from 1895 to 1945). My research begins with explorations into the situations and discussions about the text compares the differences back to Taiwan in the Ching Dynasty.   The main object is baby, but also concludes mother and unborn baby and so on. There are three points to talk about them. First, the study talks about the case of traditional conception of raising baby in late Qing Dynasty as the background arrangement. Second, the author focuses on the modern knowledge transfer and analyzes in different ways such as related departments in the government, education at school, hospital, social groups, newspaper and magazines. The author roughly analyzed with every way to understand the importance of promoting modern raising baby conception and what kind of role it plays. Third, aimed to the promotion and the realization of modern raising baby conception. It started to while pregnancy and after birth. Next, the author would describe not only how to look after baby’s nutrition and care but also practice and popularization. Last, the conception is concluded by babies protection of career.   The results of this study shows that The Formation and Development of Modern Conception of Raising Baby depends on modern medical Old conception had chance to be kept through new science exposition. To summarize that the author comprehended that the error which regards infant formula as baby’s nutrition rescues is the most significant most significant.


