  • 學位論文


Cross-Sectoral Governance of Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources after Organization Reengineering: The Case Study of Water Resource Management and River Governance

指導教授 : 張四明


自2010 年行政院組織改造法案公布,2012 年1 月1 日開始實施行政院新的組織架構,中央政府組織改造終於大體完備。但在新的部會正式上路的激情過後,緊接著必須思考如何在組改後,賡續維持現行或形塑未來中央部會之分工運作聯繫機制,透過精簡的中央行政機關組織體系,改善過去疊床架屋的組織病態,政府一體概念於中央部會行 政運作體系中,強化我國政府政策落實感。 在行政院所屬的14 部8 會中,主管業務橫跨氣、山、水、土、林的環境資源部尤受矚目。為因應刻切的全球暖化與永續發展議題,以及日益複雜的氣候變遷現況,組織改造工程橫向整合中央環境資源主管機關,並向上提升至部會層級,藉以將整體的環境問題進行宏觀的管理規劃。 然而,環境資源部這個囊括山、水、土、林廣大環境政策的「超級部會」(superministry)若欲發揮其組織績效,在正式上路前首先必須先行完成組織內部的整合與協調。是以,本研究旨在透過回應兩個研究問題:一、環境資源部籌設的背景與理念;以及其組織法草案規劃過程中,因為業務移入或移出所影響的中央機關內利害關係人的評價如何;二、組改後環資部內部單位與所屬機關(構)之間如何協調與整合?並聚焦於水資源管理及河川治理政策。藉由對上述兩個研究問題之探討,回顧與瞭解環資部籌設之背景與理念,同時梳理出環資部之管轄權重疊與衝突之問題及其解決之道,試圖建立我國環境資源政 策之跨部門管理(水平政策管理)機制,供未來中央政府政策管理之參考。 本文使用文獻分析法與深度訪談法,研究結果發現:一、環資部之設立係奠基於環資部之設立係奠基在環境資源永續發展及業務區塊相依關係之觀點上;二、良好的組織設計與制度安排是環資部跨部門管理機制運作順暢之基石與前提;三、既往的互動經驗與信任關係為跨部門協力成功的必要條件;四、最重要的跨部門管理機制為部長必須是整合氣水土林的融合知識領導者。最後建議:一、環資部可沿用過去「水資源協調會報」以及行政院的「重要河川流域協調會報」等任務編組作為跨部門管理平台;二、環資部跨部門協調機制法制化及部長等高階主管團隊之內部管理。


Since the Organizational Act of the Executive Yuan has been amended in 2010 and put into practice on January 1, 2012, the new organizational structure of central government is substantially settled and implemented. But what should be immediately put into concern is how to change, or to maintain the mechanism of division and cooperation between central ministries and councils. By streamlining the central administrative organizational system, the organizational reengineering of Executive Yuan improve much needless repetition of organizational functions in the past. The concept of "one government" on the central level will strengthen our national policies' implementation and performance. Within 14 ministries and 8 councils, which affiliate to Executive Yuan, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources is the centre of attention. It is the central authority of national policies of atmosphere, mountains, water, soil and forest environment. In response to global warming, sustainable development, green house effect and the growing complexity of environmental change, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources integrates horizontal central authorities, and upgrades to the ministerial level, whereby the environmental policies can be well-planned from a holistic view. However, the scope of jurisdiction of Ministry of Environmental Resources is wide and it is called "superministry". This ministry must first complete integration and coordination within internal units. Therefore, this study is designed to respond two research questions: First, what are the planning background and philosophy of Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources? How those stakeholders whose authority change to Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources evaluate this arrangement? Second, how to coordinate and integrate internal units of Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources? This study focuses on water resource management and river governance policies. By discussing on this two research questions, the writer tries to establish the cross-sectoral mechanism of Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources and both figure out the conflicts of jurisdiction. Through documentary analysis and in-depth interview, the research concludes four points. First, the establishment of Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources is based on Structure Functionalism. Second, well organizational design and institutional arrangements are the prerequisites of cross-sectoral governance. Third, trust and interactive experiences in the past is necessary for successful coordination and cooperation. Four, for the most important condition of cross-sectoral governance is that the minister must be a interdisciplinary leader. At the end, this study suggests that the coordinate and cooperate mechanisms in the past, such as board of water resources, can still practice now. Second, the executives of Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources should enhance internal management and legalize cross-sectoral coordination and cooperation mechanisms.


曾冠球、江明修(2010),〈跨機關合作中的政治與官僚辯證:「行政團隊」與「首長間信任建立」之意涵〉,《國家與社會期刊》, 8:1-46。
