  • 學位論文


A Study of selection criteria on Franchisee Selects Franchisor - Wan Jai Shiang Breakfast Chain Store for Example

指導教授 : 林婷鈴


連鎖加盟是目前台灣創業方式,一股不容忽視的趨勢。連鎖體系中,加盟總部與加盟者雙方為共生共贏關係,多會影響連鎖體系的營運績效。在此情況下,雙方若在加盟初始階段,選擇不合適的合作夥伴,將會造成溝通困難、衝突增加甚至不歡而散,因而對加盟體系造成極大傷害。然而,過去研究多以單方面加盟夥伴選擇決策為主,本研究第一階段以個案研究方法補足此研究缺口,同時探討加盟雙方合作夥伴評選準則與文獻上之差異。第二階段則以上述個案訪談所得的初步資料與相關文獻資料去設計問卷,針對加盟者詢問其加盟後,對於當初加盟時,選擇加盟總部的重要性準則,與現在滿意度之間所呈現的關係,共發出問卷 255份,回收問卷199份,有效率為78.04%。研究所得結論,可提供加盟總部重新思考,那些準則必須進行改善,而那些準則是總部目前可以持續維持的競爭優勢,以提供相關業者參考。


Franchise is currently an entrepreneurial trend which cannot be ignored in Taiwan. In franchise system, both franchisor and franchisee are under a win-win coexistence relationship and it will affect the performance of the chain system. In this case, if the parties choose the unsuitable partners at the initial stage, it will cause the communication difficulties, increase conflict and even leave each other. These will cause the franchise system great harm. However, previous studies mostly focus on unilateral partner selection decision based. In this study, we select case study method to fill this research gap in the first stage and also discuss the differences in the literature about franchise partner selection criteria. In the second stage, we design the questionnaire from the preliminary data obtained in the above cases interviews and relevant literature. We first focus on franchisees and ask them the important degree of each selection criteria when they surveyed franchisor at the beginning of entrepreneurial period. Second, compare with the satisfactory degree of each selection criteria and present the relationships between important degree and satisfactory degree. This study issued a total of 255 questionnaires and received 199 questionnaires. The effective rate was 78.04%. The results can provide franchisors to rethink those criteria and find some criteria must be improved and some criteria currently still maintain a competitive advantage. These results can be provided to the industry for their reference.


揚智編輯部(2010),Mahmood A.Khan原著,餐飲連鎖經營,新北市:揚智文化事業股份有限公司。
Altinay, L. (2006). Selection partners in an international franchise organisation. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 25(1), 108-128.
