  • 學位論文


Investigate The Retention Factors Of The Sales Staff

指導教授 : 張惠真


論文摘要內容: 本研究之研究目的在於了解業務人員對留任因素之探討,並分別研究企業的職涯機會、主管支持、薪酬制度、工作滿意與留任意圖的相互影響。 研究之資料蒐集是透過線上問卷的方式,針對各行業尤其是外勤人員進行調查,投入研究之有效問卷為308份。採用驗證性因素分析(CFA)進行信效度分析,並透過迴歸分析驗證本研究之假說,研究結果發現:(1) 職涯機會與留任意圖有顯著正向影響。(2) 主管支持與留任意圖有顯著的正向影響。(3) 薪酬制度與留任意圖有顯著正向影響。 根據研究結果,本研究認為:(1) 企業想要留住人才必須關懷員工身心的健康,並重視員工滿意度。薪酬的獎勵要透明合理並且要讓員工有感受,因為員工是公司的最重要資產,要讓員工被認同有價值而且相信工作是有意義。(2)主管的領導風格和對部屬的支持與信任是最令部屬感受彼此互為合作夥伴的要件,並可依此專注於工作連結之掌握,加強成員間的互依性。(3) 提供給人資和營業主管以及層峰深入探討,人員的流失非單一人資單位負責,人資要做到坦白明確的分析以供層峰做為改善的依據。(4)人才的留任儼然成為業界維持競爭力的重要課題;而個案中公司業務人員離職率持續攀升,已直接影響到公司的銷售業績。為了保有事務設備的競爭優勢,公司應該要有效透過領導者的領導行為,並且提高員工工作滿意度,以留住公司重要人才。


Study of this study was to investigate the understanding of the business staff retention factors, respectively, research career opportunity of enterprises, support interaction competent, remuneration system, job satisfaction and retention intentions. Research data collected through online questionnaires ways, for various sectors, especially field staff to investigate, research into effective questionnaire 308 copies. Using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) analysis of reliability and validity, and analyzed to test the hypothesis of this study through regression results found that: (1) career development and retention intentions have significant positive impact. (2) the intention to remain in charge of support and have significant positive effects. (3) the remuneration system and remain intent have significant positive impact. Based on the findings, this study suggests that: (1) companies want to retain talent must care staff physical and mental health, and the importance of employee satisfaction. Transparent and reasonable compensation to reward employees must have felt, because employees are the most important assets of the company's employees must be recognized and valuable work is meaningful. (2) the competent leadership style and subordinates the support and trust is the most subordinate feelings to each other are partners, and focus on the work of connecting the master, to strengthen interdependence among the members (3) to provide financing and gives business executives and layer peak depth, the loss of a single non-unit personnel in charge of human resources, but human resources should be honest explicit analysis for peak level do to improve basis. (4) retention of talent the industry has become an important issue to remain competitive; and business staff turnover rate of cases continues to rise, has a direct impact on the company's sales. In order to maintain a competitive advantage servicing equipment, the company through the effective leader leadership behavior, and improve employee job satisfaction, the company to retain key talent.


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