  • 學位論文


Study of Police Public Relations and Media in Critical Incident ─ A Case Study of the Special Police Sixth Headquarters

指導教授 : 張世賢


本文以保安警察第六總隊為個案,旨在探討面臨危機事件時,警察機關與媒體之公共關係該如何做?才能降低危機事件所帶來的傷害。本研究者結合危機管理理論、警察公共關係理論及媒體公共關係理論等,採用文獻分析法、個案研究法及深度訪談法,提出警察機關與媒體公共關係運用上之建議。 研究問題有四: 一、如何才能讓員工建立良好媒體公共關係,達到全員公關的目標。 二、如何強化回應媒體能力之訓練,降低危機事件所帶來的衝擊。 三、危機本身即具新聞價值,然而媒體報導才是左右危機是否擴大最重要之原因,如何與媒體溝通協調?避免過度渲染及誇大不實報導,才能將危機所帶來的傷害降至最低。 四、面對時代環境的轉變,除了傳統媒體關係的建立外,如何善用社群媒體公共關係?廣泛地運用各種社群媒體作為澄清之工具。 研究結果,本研究從全員公關之建立、回應媒體之能力、媒體公關之運用、社群媒體之善用等各項訪談資料加以探討分析,綜合整理相關研究發現,最後從下列各面向提出研究建議: 一、全員公關之制度面。 二、回應媒體之政策面。 三、媒體公關之行動面。 四、社群媒體之執行面。 提供未來保安警察第六總隊及各級警察機關之參考,當面對危機事件時,如何與媒體互動,有效且迅速的加以處理,才能減少事件後續所帶來衝擊與傷害。


In this thesis the author discusses police public relations and media in critical incident with the Special Police Sixth Headquarters as case study. This study is based on theory of crisis management, theory of the police public relations and media public relations theory with literature analysis and in-depth interview. There are four research questions: 1.How to got policeman to establish good public relations in order to achieve full Public Relations. 2.How to strengthen the training capacity of police to respond to media to reduce the impact of crisis. 3.How to communicate and coordinate with the media for police to avoid over-exaggerated and inaccurate reporting and then minimize the damage in critical incidents. 4.How to use social media for police to make good public relations in critical incidents. This study examines the establishment of the full public relations, the responsive capacity to the media, the application of media for public relations and the making good use of social media for police in critical incidents. Finally the author makes recommendations for the Special Police Sixth Headquarters as the followings: 1.New institution for the establishment of the full public relations. 2.New policy for the responsive capacity to the media. 3.New action for the application of media for public relations. 4.New implementation for the making good use of social media.


