  • 學位論文


The Study of Hakka Cultural Hall Outsourcing Plight and Strategy

指導教授 : 丘昌泰


本研究係基於客家文化在政治政策支持下逐漸抬頭並在台灣舞台佔有一席之地後,也形 成各地均可看見客家文化館(園區)的情景,但因為同時期其他各類型的文化(物)館亦膨 勃發展,而政府又面臨財政困難及新公共管理的風潮,故在一陣蚊子館的批評聲浪中,引發 了地方客家文化館經營之困境與問題的關注。在委託民間經營的政策下,如何運用政府採購 法或促進民間參與公共建設法之 OT 方式來建立合作經營團隊,以發揮地方客家文化館保存 傳承客家文化的設立任務功能,此乃成為動機與目的。 透過前述背景,再就客家文化的發展、地方文館的演進、委外管理的經驗理論及採購法 與促參法的特性比較分析為基準,特選定北、中、南不同區位各一座且屬於不同經營模式的 地方客家文化館為研究個案標的。另外地方客家文化館的對觀眾的呈現是一種價值傳達,故 在整個的經營運作的選擇中將展生關鍵的決策影響,擬藉由深度訪談法、田野調查法及文獻 分析等,來驗證發現其困境與契機,進而提供經營上的政策建議。 本研究發現 1.客家文化館之委外經營決策思維不同於其他公共建設:即要回歸到客家族 群文化的主軸,避免受制於一般公共建設的框架及治理體制。2. 客家文化館的績效落差大, 問題多元待突破:要認清客家文化館有形及無形的先天條件,包含整體客觀不利環境及公益 屬性強度等。3. 影響委外經營績效之在於要瞭解館舍特點及強化資源爭取:整合相關資源以 發揮一加一大於二的槓桿效果,即目前欠缺中央級到各地方文化館的合縱連橫策略。4. 客家 文化館舍政策手段與營運目標所產生的疑義不搭:在委外評估時忽略企業本質不同,也未能 反映真正目標而客製化設計需求計畫。5. 「採購法」與「促參法」在委外作業程序中的困境: 陷入為委外而委外的,把手段當目標的迷思,故喪失了主導性及合理契約目標,而找不到營 運夥伴。 另外在總結分析後給予下列策略建議:1. 關於委託之對價方式可多元選擇。2. 堅守政 府保護族群文化的角色。3. 建立公、私及第三部門分工合作樣態。4. 應體認到委外經營兩 面刃的風險。5. 上級機關的支持與協助是不或缺的一環。6. 採購法較有利於落實地方客家 文化館的營運任務。7. 對地方客家文化館經營方向的雛議為:社會企業模式的引用、非營利 組織(NPO)與公部門的結合及 學校(研究型 NPO)與公部門的合作,都是未來的趨勢。


Abstract The Study of Hakka Cultural Hall Outsourcing Plight and Strategy by Neng-Ying Tseng June 2016 ADVISOR(S): Dr. Chang-Tay Chiou DEPARTMENT: GRADUATE SCHOOL OF CRIMINOLOGY MAJOR: TAIWANESE ADOLESENT SOCIAL BEHAVIOR DEGREE: EXECUTIVE MASTER OF LAW The Hakka culture gradually rose with the support of political policy and played an important role in Taiwan, resulting in the formation of the Hakka Cultural Center (Park) in almost every region of the country. In the same period, however, other similar types of Culture Centers (Museums) were also in flourishing development. Coupled with the government facing financial difficulties and the new wave of public management, in a criticism of “Mosquito Museum”, the issues of management difficulties and problems of local Hakka Cultural Centers emerged. Under the policy of outsourcing to private organizations, the motive and purpose of this Research are to explore the possibilities in the establishment of a cooperative management team based on the implementation of the government procurement law and the promotion of participation by private enterprises in public construction via the OT (Operate Transfer) model in order to preserve heritage of Hakka Culture by way of the setup of local Hakka Cultural Centers. Based on the above background, along with the development of Hakka Culture, the evolution of local Culture Centers, the theory and experience of outsourcing management, and the comparative analysis of procurement law and law for promotion of private participation, the Research selected one local Hakka Cultural Center in the respective location of the northern, middle and southern regions and each in different operating models as case studies. Through in-depth interviews, field surveys and the literature analyses, the Research is to verify and discover the dilemma and opportunity with the aim of providing policy recommendations regarding the operation of Hakka Cultural Centers. The findings of the Research are as follows: 1. The decision-making process of the outsourcing management of Hakka Cultural Center is different from other public construction projects, in a way not only to return to the pillar of Hakka Culture, but also to avoid being controlled by the general framework of the public construction and management system; 2. There exists a big performance gap of different Hakka Cultural Centers, leading to multi-issues to be resolved: To realize the tangible and intangible congenital conditions of the Hakka Cultural Centers, including the overall objective adverse environment and the strength of public welfare; 3. The performance of outsourcing management is dependent on the understanding of the unique features of the Centers and strengthening to strive for resources: Integration of related resources in order to exert leverage effect of one plus one being greater than two, that is, the lack of vertical and horizontal alliance strategy from central-level to county-level Cultural Centers; 4. The mismatch of issues between the policy instrument and operational target of Hakka Cultural Centers: The ignorance of difference in the nature of the enterprise in the outsourcing assessment and the failure in reflecting the real objectives when formulating the plan for customized requirements; 5. The dilemma in outsourcing procedure for “Procurement Law” and “Law for Promotion of Private Participation”: Falling in a myth of “Doing outsourcing for the purpose of outsourcing” and “Means is mistaken as goals”, resulting in the loss of dominance and reasonable contract targets and the failure to find business partners. After summarizing the analysis, the policy recommendations are as below: 1. A multiple choice for outsourcing consideration; 2. Adhere to the role of the government to protect the culture of ethnic groups; 3. Establish the co-operation based on the division of labor for the public, private and the third department; 4. Should recognize the potential “double edged blade” risk for the outsourcing operation; 5. The support and assistance from the superior authorities are a must; 6. Procurement law is good for the implementation of the operational task of local Hakka Cultural Center; 7. The suggestion regarding the operation direction of local Hakka Cultural Centers could be the adoption of social enterprise model, the combination of non-profit organization (NPO) and public department, and co-operation between schools (research-type NPO) and public department, all of which could be the trend in the future. Key-words: Hakka Cultural Center, Outsourcing operation, OT, Hakka Cultural Preservation Zone in新瓦屋, Hakka Cultural Garden in東勢, Hakka Cultural Museums in Pindong


