  • 學位論文


A Study on the Bankers Blanket Insurance─Based on Taiwan Judicial Decisions

指導教授 : 江朝國教授


銀行業乃金融體系中重要之一環,如何規劃自身風險攸關整體金融體系之健全發展。保險制度在風險規劃占有舉足輕重之角色,因此研究特別針對銀行業經營上各式危險之「銀行業綜合保險」具有重要之意義。經查該產品乃以承保員工之不忠實行為為主之綜合性保險單,國內文獻中曾以該險種之部分,如誠實保證保險、特約條款等議題為討論者已有相當之資料,但專以該保險商品為主題,較全面討論之論文尚乏前例,因此特選擇此險種為主題整理本篇論文。 國內保險法之研究向有保險業法與契約法之分,本論文選擇後者,以私法上契約之議題為研究內容。於材料之選取上,基於取得之便利性,以國內判決內容為主,搜尋國內實務曾就銀行業綜合保險所生之爭議,選取具有法律上討論價值者予以分析討論。必須說明者,經搜尋判決實務中銀行業綜合保險之法律議題,多落在誠實保證保險之區塊,因此該部分之討論乃占相當之篇幅。此外,基於我國銀行業綜合保險乃沿襲國外保險先進國家之保險產品,且相關議題在國外相關保險產品之實務亦有相類似之爭執,其等討論內容在比較法之研究有一定程度之重要性,因此在特定議題之研究中,選擇比較美國之金融機構保證保險作為對照。 經搜尋判決實務見解,論文在最後選出五個此險種中重要之法律議題深入討論,依序為「損失發現期間」、「員工之不忠實行為」、「董事犯罪行為不保事項」、「特別不保事項」及「與有過失之適用」,相關議題之討論皆以實務判決為經,復以學說討論內容為緯,整理資料分析檢討判決見之妥適性,最終提出較為合理之解釋方法。


Banking plays a key role in the financial department; thus, how to handle bankers’ risks properly matters a lot. When it comes to risk managements, no doubt that insurance is one of the crucial mechanisms, so to research the Bankers Blanket Insurance, which covers varieties of risks among the banking field, values a lot. Even though there have been some papers focusing specific issues of this insurance, like fidelity bond and special provisions, there is not a thesis to introduce the development and discuss important issues of this one all together yet. Those are the key points of this thesis. For this insurance, there have been so many legal issues debated, so to collect valuable issues in the database of domestic judgment is the first step. In addition, the Bankers Blanket Insurance was developed from similar insurance policies abroad, and some controversial issues, which bothered domestic judges and lawyers, also took place abroad. Such materials, which had been researched abroad, have values to study. Among so many similar insurance policies abroad, “Financial Institution Bond” of America has more papers to discuss, is the main object to compare in this thesis. After checking so many judicial decisions, fives issues have been picked : ”Discovery Period”, “Employees’ Dishonest or Fraudulent Acts”, “the Exception of Directors’ Criminal Acts”, “the Special Exceptions” and “the Rule of Comparative Negligence”. Those issues are all discussed not only with judicial decisions but also ideas of scholars. In the end, some suggestions were presented in order to amend the contract clause in the future.


