  • 學位論文


The Construction and Decision Factors Assessment of Enterprise Green Procurement Management Model for Electronics Industry

指導教授 : 顧洋


隨著國際環境保護意識的抬頭,歐盟委員會與各國際組織致力於訂定各項產品的環保法規與標準,從立法著手推動環境保護,為全球電子製造供應鏈帶來嚴峻之考驗,近年來,企業利害關係人除要求產品符合環保法規外,更驅使企業採取綠色採購作為以落實企業社會責任,因此,許多國際品牌大廠紛紛在採購階段考量環境保護之概念,逐漸形成供應鏈內企業對企業綠色採購之趨勢。 身為全球電子相關製造業中重要供應鏈角色的台灣,不得不改變以往的採購管理與供應鏈管理模式,納入環境之訴求,並積極建構企業的綠色採購管理模式,以發揮綠色採購之功能,進而同時提升產品之環境效益和綠色競爭力,為其產品創造綠色價值,以掌握國內外客戶綠色採購之商機,維持綠色產品之全球產銷地位。 有鑑於此,企業採行綠色採購管理之議題,勢必將成為新一波產業競爭力,故本研究透過文獻回顧找出企業供應鏈內綠色採購的決策因子,並以戴明管理循環之概念,建構出企業綠色採購管理模式之架構,進一步應用決策實驗室分析法找出綠色採購管理模式進行持續改善時優先執行的核心關鍵因子,最後結合深度訪談法,綜合評析企業綠色採購管理模式下各決策因子之實務作法;研究結果顯示「選擇符合之綠色產品供應商」、「研擬綠色採購標準/規範」、「蒐集綠色採購資訊」等項目為其優先改善之決策因子,期藉由本研究之分析結果,提供給國內電子資訊相關行業作為未來持續推動企業綠色採購管理之參考。


With the rise of international awareness of environmental protection,the European Commission and international organizations committed to set environmental regulations and standards of the products,global manufacturing supply chain is subjected to challeng.In recent years, stakeholders’requirement is more and more strict,so many companies have considered environmental concept in the procurement phase ,and thus gradually formed enterprise green procurement trend in supply chain. Green procurement management model has been taken into consideration in the Electronics supply chain in Taiwan. By using green procurement function in supply chain,enterprises can enhance the product's environmental benefits and green competitiveness.Moreover,they might grasp business opportunities of green products all around world . In view of this,companies are adopting green procurement issues,hence,green procurement is bound to become the new wave of industrial competitiveness in supply chain, this study reviews enterprise green purchasing decision factors and the Deming management cycle to build the framework of enterprise green procurement management model in supply chain.Furthermore,this study applies Decision marking trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) to propose which are the most important criteria in green procurement management model in supply chain. Finally,this study interviews with experts and scholars to explore the practices of enterprise green procurement management model in supply chain.As a result,we find out including select suitable green products supplier,formulate standards of green procurement,collect information of green procurement are the key factors of enterprise green procurement model in supply chain.Through the analytical results,this study can provide a blueprint for reference for domestic electronic industry.


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