  • 學位論文


Slaughtering poultry industry supply chain analysis of some of the feasibility of using BOT

指導教授 : 朱炫璉


近年來行政院積極推動傳統市集禁宰活禽政策,並引導國產土雞進入合法屠宰場屠宰,未來台灣地區設立大型家禽屠宰場的可能性極高,依照目前台灣土地使用分區規定,市場用地區域面積有限,若再符合屠宰使用之相關地目更是稀少,通常以批發市場附設屠宰場方式經營,故如何有效地管理、政府禁止當街屠宰政策徹底執行與否、以及是否適合以BOT的模式進行,乃為極重要之管理議題。因此,本研究著重探討家禽業BOT之可行性,並探討其供應鏈相關業者對施行BOT之看法及差異性。 本研究以問卷調查法作為研究工具,採李克特量表(五點量表)方式衡量,以設計問卷以瞭解家禽供應鏈中批發業者、屠宰業者與零售業者對家禽集中屠宰施行BOT模式之看法與態度,回收130份問卷,以單因子變異數分析 (One-way ANOVA) 來驗證比較家禽批發業者、屠宰業者與零售業者對於本研究問卷中四個構面及各項問題的看法是否存在顯著的差異性。結果發現三類業者對於家禽業BOT的態度皆偏向於不同意,零售業者在「BOT對社會的影響」構面採較同意態度。三大業者在「採BOT對社會的影響」構面、「採BOT對業者的影響」構面、「採BOT對供應鏈的影響」構面均有顯著差異。 政府積極推動集中屠宰政策仍有所限制,未來目標應積極推動整合土雞上、下游業者之策略聯盟、統合經營模式並建立強有力產銷團隊。


家禽產銷 BOT 集中屠宰


In recent years, Executive Yuan has been aggressively promoting Domestic Fowls Slay Prohibition Act in traditional markets and introducing native chickens to be slain in legal slaughter houses. There is a high possibility to establish large scale domestic fowls slaughter houses in Taiwan in the future. According to the current land using regulations, lands for markets are limited. Therefore, the lands that can be used for slaughter houses will be even fewer. The way to make it work is to establish slaughter houses in the wholesale markets. As a result, efficient management, the total implementation of Domestic Fowls Slay Prohibition Act, and the use of BOT model are crucial issues that need serious discussion. Thus, this study explored the possibility of using BOT in domestic fowl industry and investigated the perspectives of the related businesses in the supply chain for implementing BOT. This study utilized questionnaire and Likert Scale (Five-Point Scale) to evaluate the perspectives and attitudes of wholesales, slaughter house owners, and retailers in the supply chain on the implementation of BOT on domestic fowls centralized slaying. 130 copies of questionnaires were returned and One-way ANOVA was conducted to see if significant differences existed among the four aspects and items in the questionnaires. The results showed that they tended to disagree with the use of BOT on domestic fowls industry. The retailers tended to agree with the aspect of “the effects of BOT on society”. The results also indicated that there were significant differences on the aspects of “the effects of BOT on society”, “the effects of BOT on the three industries”, and “the effects of BOT on the supply chain” among wholesalers, slaughter house owners, and retailers. There are limits even though the government has been aggressively promoting centralized slaying policies. In the future, the goal is to integrate the upper and lower streams of native chicken businesses to establish strategic alliance, unify operation models, and build up powerful production and marketing teams.


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