  • 學位論文


The Development of Taiwan’s Camphor Industry in Pre-Japanese Colonial Period- Study and Observation of Its production and marketing (1895-1918)

指導教授 : 陳慈玉


本文研究1895年日本統治臺灣後,如何將臺灣樟腦業收歸專賣,並探討樟腦生產與銷售的政策變遷。1899年(明治32年)臺灣實施樟腦專賣制度,建立起樟腦專賣局,管理樟腦的生產面,並將日人資本勢力納入臺灣樟腦業,積極統合樟腦製造業,成立統一組織,由總督府管理控制,1919年4月成立新的共同組織「臺灣製腦株式會社」,臺灣樟腦製造權由總督府與日本資本所掌握。   在銷售方面,運用國家權力將樟腦商權由外商獨占收為政府獨占,以粗製樟腦為主要的海外銷售,由政府政策指導,初期由英商三美路商會對外開拓市場,而後改由三井物產會社接手,最後成立日本樟腦株式會社統合銷售。   關於樟腦銷售政策的改變與市場的互動亦是研究重點,樟腦專賣政策的重要目的是國家收益,也影響樟腦在生產與銷售的政策,如何維持良好的生產與海外市場的暢銷,是總督府在樟腦專賣政策上著力最重的地方,藉由統合生產(臺灣製腦株式會社)與銷售(日本樟腦株式會社)兩部分,建立起統制組合,方便政府管理生產與銷售事宜,專賣政策到1918年以後可說是具備完整的產銷體系。


樟腦 專賣制度 臺灣總督府 專賣局 生產 銷售


This dissertation examines the political transition of camphor industry in terms of production and sales, and how the Japanese government took over camphor industry exclusively with their domination over Formosa (Taiwan) after 1895.   In 1899, Taiwan put camphor monopoly into practice, established Camphor Bureau of Monopolies for managing its production side. Japan brought merchant capital system into Taiwan’s camphor industry, unified organization and consolidated the camphor industry with proactive approach. The whole industry was controlled and managed by the Taiwan Sōtokufu (Governor–General of Taiwan). The new co-organization, Taiwan Camphor Co., was established in April, 1919. The camphor production rights were controlled by Taiwan Sōtokufu (Governor–General of Taiwan) and Japan’s merchant capital.   In terms of sales, the state power transferred camphor trading rights from foreign trader exclusive to government exclusive. Based on the government policy guidance, crude camphor was the main overseas sales. In the beginning stage, British Samuel Samuel & Co. opened up its foreign market, and then it was taken over by Mitsui Bussan Co. Association afterward. Finally, Japan Camphor Co. had established for integration sales.   The emphases of this dissertation are the change of camphor’s sale policy and its market interaction. The purpose of Camphor monopoly policy was to increase national income. However, it also had great affect on camphor’s production and sales. Taiwan Sōtokufu (Governor–General of Taiwan) focused on how to maintain good production and best-selling in overseas markets by integrating production (Taiwan Camphor Co.) and sales (Japan Camphor Co.). It was easier for the government to manage production and sales issues. It can be said that after 1918, a complete production and sale system was formed for camphor monopoly policy.


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陳瓊伊(2015)。客家樟腦產業轉型策略之研究: 以台三線三個案為例〔碩士論文,國立中央大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0031-0412201512045803
