  • 學位論文


The Institution of Land Expropriation in Urbanizing China

指導教授 : 周志龍


任何國家在都市化過程中,都必然要透過適當的制度安排,來因應都市發展的需求,將農地轉換為建築用地與都市開發用地。中國在1978年改革開放後,社會主義市場經濟逐漸取代毛主義的規劃經濟,具體的做法就表現在朝向快速都市化、經濟高速發展的追求上。 中國面對都市化過程中的土地開發需求壓力,亦透過土地管理相關的制度安排,逐步建立了由國家壟斷的、具中國特色的社會主義土地市場。並建立土地使用權的有償出讓制度,取代過去無償、無期限的行政劃撥,造成土地商品化現象,偌大的土地出讓收益與潛在的開發獲利可能性遂成為了中央政府、地方政府、商業團體、被徵地者之間角逐的戰場;而在中國特殊的政治體制之下,這個重度仰賴土地的都市化過程,一方面使土地成為締造飛速經濟發展與活絡地方經濟的觸媒,一方面也造成國內各地日益激化的社會矛盾與官民對抗情形,進而衝擊到中國共產黨一黨專政的政權合法性。中國政府如何透過土地徵收制度安排、採取策略性介入,將衝突消弭於無形,是中國當前都市化過程中無法迴避的重要課題。 本論文首先進行中國土地問題前沿分析、法規制度之演進剖析,建立本論文之分析架構,其次透過案例研究的方式,由一農村之土地徵收過程,論證中國當前土地徵收制度本身問題、規範形式與實際執行之差距、事後申訴機制等面向;最後在文末探究這一連串土地徵收制度變革的內在邏輯與癥結,期望能夠提供未來相關制度檢討改進的參考。


Good management of institutional arrangement is essential for the urbanization process taking place in any state, from which the needs to transform farmland into the land for construction and urban development arise. As in Mainland China after the economic reforms (1978- ), the shift to pursue ‘instant urbanization’ and rapid economic development right makes central role of the socialist market economy in place of the Maoist planned economy: a socialist land market with Chinese characteristics based on state monopoly is established step by step through the institutional arrangements for land management. In terms of land development within Mainland China, the compensated transfer of land-use rights has replaced the earlier way of administrative allocation without cost or specific dates while fueling the prevalence of land commodification, thus making the enormous profits from land transfers along with the potential revenue from land development altogether a bloody battlefield for the central as well as regional government, commercial groups, and those faced with the threat of land expropriation. Under the political regime like no other as mentioned above, the urbanization process building on the heavy use of land as the catalyst to promote rapid economic development and to revive local economy has also intensified more social contradictions and the grassroots anti-government actions, and by so doing compromised the political legitimacy of Chinese Communist Party’s one-party dictatorship. That being said, the measures to be taken to manage the institutional arrangements for land expropriation and the strategic interventions so as to resolve the upcoming conflicts would continue to play a decisive role in the urbanizing China and remain a thorn in its side. The present thesis first sees into the land issues within Mainland China built upon the analyses of existing literatures and legal institutions; and at the next level, it takes the case study approach to a particular farmland-grabbing process to demonstrate that China’s current land expropriation system per se has produced problems in many aspects—such as the gap between regulation forms and implementation practices, accompanied with the after complaint-filing system and so on. Finally, this study points out the intrinsic logic and the crucial point of these serial changes in land expropriation system, the consequences of which shall continue to be approached in debates on relevant institutions.


