  • 學位論文


A Study of Crew Resource Management: Key Factors of Aeronautical Decision Making

指導教授 : 邱光輝


在1991年統計分析出,因飛航組員的失誤而導致人員傷亡的意外事件,百分之五十三是決策錯誤引起的 (Diehl, 1991)。為何飛行技術純熟、經驗豐富的飛行員仍會因為判斷錯誤和決策失當而發生意外事故?這是本研究研究動機。 本研究,第一階段質化研究是先以深入訪談的方法,藉由16位不同身分的飛行員受訪者之角度看相同的問題─「飛行員易犯的錯誤決策」與「飛行員應具備的判斷能力」。經收集、分析受訪者之間的差異及相同觀點,綜整後產生140項問題。依法規、知識、經驗三種決策類型來進行關連性之統計,結果為:經驗佔42.14%、知識34.29%及法規23.57%,可知在飛行情境九個情況下,經驗仍為最重要,是最須重視的訓練課目。之後再以這140項觀點對原受訪的16位飛行員進行二次的同意度問卷調查。統計結果,各問項同意度其分數平均值大於4,表示對題項的認知達「同意」以上。階段進行實證分析,以質性研究所得的140項觀點為問卷調查資料,發放給104位飛行員。針對年齡、工作年資、機別、職稱、飛行時數、飛行背景等詳細資料,不同組別對實際與應具備能力的觀點差異,比較題項間顯著性,考驗組員對重要性差異強弱,來做顯著差異分析,結果顯示組員間是有差異。研判各組間組員對量表題項的差異看法,分析其差異性的原因,以做為日後飛行訓練的改善依據。


From a statistics regarding accidental events in which flight crew human errors are involved in 1991, we found that 53% of the cases were caused by erroneous decision-making (Diehl, 1991). To answer the question why accidental events still happen to experienced pilots who have superb skills due to incorrect judgments and erroneous decision- making is the motive that drives this research. The first step of this research is qualitative, in which the interviews were used as the primary tool. The opinions from 16 pilots of different levels regarding same questions - 「Erroneous decisions that most likely to be made by pilots」and「The must-have judgment-making ability a pilot should be equipped」were collected. 140 questions then are derived after the sameness and differences of their opinions are studied and compared. Then, the correlations between the opinions are analyzed in terms of Regulatory、Knowledge-related and Experiential aspects, and the results are: 42.14% of them are of Experiential、34.29% of them are Knowledge-related ,and 23.57% of them are of Regulatory. Therefore, we can say, experience is the most important one in the nine flight situations and couldn’t be over-emphasized in daily trainings. Afterwards, the 140 questions were picked for agreeableness inquiry again on previously interviewed pilots. For the statistical results, if a question has an average agreeableness score over 4, it indicates that it’s 「agreeable」.The second step is the pragmatic analysis, in this phase, above mentioned 140 questions were adapted to make the questionnaires and were issued to 104 pilots who have different backgrounds in age, seniority, fleets, positions and flight hours, and the differences of opinions possessed by different groups of pilots were analyzed to find if the correlation level between certain items are prominent, and the variance analysis were done according to flight crews’ different recognitions on their importance. Results show that differences do exist between crews. To interpret the various points of view regarding certain test questions, and to investigate the causes behind, could be a topic of future research and serve as a base of flight training improvement as well.


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