  • 學位論文


A Studies on Acquiring of Tacit Knowledge

指導教授 : 徐純慧


隱性知識係指一種難以用語言或文字有系統表達但卻會引導人們行為的一種構念,許多研究已經證實個人或群體的隱性知識能夠有效改善工作績效。學者提出「實務智能」(practical intelligence)之構念,認為實務智能係指能解決真實世界(real-world)日常問題之能力。並指出,隱性知識即為實務智能的根源,因此隱性知識獲取能力之提升,有助於實務問題之解決。因此,個人隱性知識獲取能力的量測與發展就顯得非常重要。 本研究選擇碩士班學生為研究對象,包括不同科系及不同班別,以探討隱性知識獲取能力之評量以及其與學業成績之關係,並分析學生之隱性知識的獲取能力是否因個人背景特質不同而有所差異,以作為量測及評鑑隱性知識獲取能力之工具,便供企業晉用及訓練知識工人之參考。


隱性知識 實務智能


Tacit knowledge is the concept of leading someone’s behavior and hard to express by words and language. Many studies had proved that the tacit knowledge of individual or group can improve performance well in workplace. The scholar has proposed the construct of practical intelligence and believed that practical intelligence is the ability to solve the problem in real-world. Tacit knowledge is the root of practical intelligence. Therefore, strengthening the ability of acquirement of tacit knowledge can solve the practical problems. Consequently, it is very important to measure and develop the ability of acquirement of tacit knowledge. This study selects samples from graduated students, including different departments and schools and probes the relation between tacit knowledge and academic grade then analyzes that the ability of acquirement of tacit knowledge is different from the demographic. It turns out the tool to measure the ability of acquirement of tacit knowledge, thus provide the enterprise to select and train its knowledge worker.


Tacit knowledge Practical knowledge


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