  • 學位論文


The Impact of Blog’s Word-of-Mouth on Advertising Effectiveness

指導教授 : 邱光輝


全球部落格的數量快速成長,部落格的使用越來越普遍,也有眾多的消費者會在購買商品前,利用部落格蒐集產品資訊與評價。部落格所提供的資訊之影響力日益增大,消費者先觀看部落格的產品推薦、評論與使用心得後,再做購買決策已成為新的消費趨勢。 為因應此新趨勢,企業如何依自我的產品特質,選擇合適的部落格以達最佳的廣告效果,已成為企業廣告的研究議題。 本研究以產品種類(經驗品與搜尋品)和品牌知名度(高、低)做為描述企業產品的構念。將部落格類型分為三類(名人部落格、專家部落格、一般消費者部落格)。讓廣告主能考量其產品種類與品牌知名度後,選擇最具廣告效果(知覺風險、廣告態度、品牌態度、購買意願)的部落格類型為其商品資訊的傳播媒介。本研究以準實驗設計來探討部落格類型、產品種類與品牌知名度對產品廣告效果的影響。共分為12組實驗情境,探討組間之廣告效果是否具有差異。 研究結果發現:組間對於廣告效果具有差異,表示產品構念與部落格類型的組合,對廣告效果有影響。透過研究結果,以期幫助企業更加精確規劃出有效的部落格行銷策略。


The quantity of blog in the whole world is escalating dramatically. Most of consumers search the information or comments of the commodity in which they’re interested from the blog while the usage of blog is getting popular. The impact of the information about products is getting powerful. It’s a trend to browse some recommendation, comments, and reviews of the products prior to purchase. Because the condition of this consumer behaviour, how marketers can improve the advertising effectiveness by choosing the suitable and the effective blog type according to their product characteristics has been concerned. In this study, the product type (experience goods and search goods) and brand awareness (high and low) are proposed in the context of product characteristics. Celebrity, expert, typical consumer’s blog present to the blog type. A Quasi-experiment was conducted to exam the main effect and interaction on advertising effectiveness with 12 subjects designed in our research. Results of our experiment reveal that there are differences in the between-subjects on advertising effectiveness. According to results, the more effective blog’s word-of-mouth strategies for the company are discussed.


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