  • 學位論文


The Design and Application of Land Use Planning Model for Healthy City

指導教授 : 林楨家


都市化除了帶來經濟效益,亦會帶來交通擁擠、生活品質降低、空氣污染等負效果,影響都市居民健康。世界衛生組織於1986開始推行健康城市計畫,然而推行至今已逾20載,卻始終缺乏以實質環境規劃為主軸的研究,以及系統性的規劃工具。然而,實質空間規劃對都市居民健康水準有密切的相關性,是推行健康城市時不容忽視的重要課題。緣此,本研究以實質環境為焦點,設計一個達成健康城市願景的規範性土地使用規劃模式,輔佐規劃單位進行健康城市土地使用規劃工作。透過灰數型式的輸入條件,滿足處理不明確條件的規劃需求,草擬具彈性的土地使用綱要計畫,同時達到土地使用種類、量體、區位,與非機動運具專用道連結與否的配置工作。 首先,本研究進行健康城市與土地使用規劃模式相關文獻回顧,建構出以減低環境壓力因子(最小化污染除去成本)、建立公平社會環境(最小化設施服務差距)、導向健康行為(最大化土地使用種類)為目標之灰色多目標規劃模式,並結合灰色規劃與全域準則法設計模式求解方法。繼而,透過社子島地區的實例分析,實際操作模式與求解程序,以檢驗模式的可操作性與特性。實例規劃結果顯示,居住地區在土地使用強度與種類都較為密集,且區位遠離環境敏感地;而規劃單元與土地使用間以非機動運具連結成生活網絡,達成導向減低環境壓力與健康行為的目標;居住空間平均享有的公共設施服務差異不大,亦達成目標內公平的內涵。最後,變動民眾偏好,發現偏好改變對於目標一的影響不大,對目標二表現值則有顯著的正向影響,而目標三變動則在不同相對權重下,有不同的正向或負向影響結果。此外,變動設置非機動運具的汙染折減率發現,僅在單一小尺度的規劃範圍設置非機動運具專用道,對整體污染情形不會有大幅改善的效果。 本研究所建構的土地使用規劃模式,提供規劃者草擬健康城市土地使用規劃的分析工具,規劃者以模式規劃結果為基礎,進行細部調整,有助提升規劃作業的效率與系統性。實例應用與敏感度分析結果,可直接提供台北市政府建構健康城市的參考,操作與分析過程並可提供其它城市應用本模式時的參考。


The Healthy Cities Project, which improves the negative externalities of urbanization like traffic jam, air pollution, bad quality of life, and etc., has carried out more than 20 years since 1986. However, the past literatures of healthy city studies lacked for focusing on physical planning and rational planning tools. Hence, this study concentrates on physical planning and aims to develop a mathematical model, which helps planners to develop land use draft-plans for achieving healthy city planning. With grey numbers entered to deal with uncertainties of the real world, the model simultaneously determines land use types, quantities, and locations and networks of non-motorized mode lanes. The followings are the contents of this study. First of all, I generalized the important factors of healthy city planning on physical planning perspective from relative literatures. According to the factors, the land use planning model was designed to take multiple objectives and constraints into consideration. The objectives include minimizing the pollution cost, minimizing the differences between each public facility, and maximizing land use varieties. The constraints limit the carrying capacity, budget, economical scale, and location. Furthermore, I developed an applicable algorithm combining the global criterion method with grey programming approach to solve the grey multiple-objective programming models. The developed model was applied to the land use planning of She-tzi-dao district, on which the model’s applicability and characteristics were verified. The planning results of the studied case generate a land use plan showing the following characteristics: (1) residential areas are dense, mixed use and far away from environmentally sensitive areas, (2) non-motorized mode lanes are connected to enhance healthy life-style, and (3) public facilities are equally shared by residents. Finally, the sensitivity analyses found that changing residents’ preferences does not significantly affect objective 1’s performance but has a positive effect on objective 2 and different effects on objective 3. Besides, changing the pollution-decrease-rate by setting a non-motorized mode lane does not show significant improvement of reducing pollution in a small planning area. This study has two potential contributions to the healthy city studies. First, the developed model offers a rational analysis tool for planners to improve the work efficiency of healthy city planning. Second, the case study offers concrete recommendations to Taipei City Government for She-tzi-dao district development and illustrates the model application process to cities which apply this model to their planning works.


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