  • 學位論文


Ecological Energetic Analysis of Ecosystem Services in Peri-Urban Areas: A Case Study of Taipei-Taoyuan Area

指導教授 : 黃書禮


在全球環境變遷的衝擊下,國際上探討都市周邊地區土地使用與生態系統改變等議題與日俱增,自1986年在「國際地圈生物圈研究計畫—全球變遷研究(International Geosphere Biosphere Program—A Study of Global Changes)」發起下帶動的連鎖回應,及至全球土地研究計畫(The Global Land Project,GLP)更加強調人類與環境的互動關係乃會影響全球能源、水、原料、地域性動植物的循環速率。台灣為一亞熱帶海島型環境,對氣候變化之敏感性較高,近年來因氣候型態深受到全球環境變遷之影響,加以都市周邊之自然環境因都市蔓延土地使用變動劇烈,支持都市存續的自然維生環境屢屢受到威脅。本研究由系統觀點以生態能量分析方法評價生態系統對都市的貢獻與服務,以1971-2006年為時間向度,蒐集土地使用、農業生產、建設投資與資源使用等方面之統計資料,將其換算為統一的太陽能值單位來討論臺北-桃園地區在全球環境變遷的衝擊下因土地使用改變而導致的生態系統服務貢獻變化,發現在都市化改變都市周邊土地使用之前,大量的農地使糧食生產成為系統中能量最大的生態系統服務貢獻;但在農地逐漸轉用為建地後,淡水供應與水資源調節服務乃是臺北-桃園地區2006年貢獻能量最大的生態系統服務。本研究並利用衝擊矩陣進行模式辨認,分析系統中土壤、生物、水資源等各種組成份間的主被動影響角色,亦驗證了近年來森林地區與上游地區土壤涵養之水資源乃是生態服務系統中較為關鍵的組成份。


The attention of global environmental change has triggered the research on urbanization and ecosystem change in peri-urban areas. Since the establishment of “International Geosphere Biosphere Program—A Study of Global Changes” in 1986, the recently launched “Global Land Project (GLP)” identified many issues on the implications of land use change and how ecosystem services are linked to human well-being. Taiwan’s natural environment is dominated by sub-tropical island ecosystem, which is very sensitive to climatic change. And, the urban sprawl in the peri-urban areas of major cities in Taiwan has already threatened the cities’ life-supporting environments. To study the impact of land use change in the Taipei-Taoyuan’s peri-urban areas on their ecosystem services during 1971-2006, this study employed ecological energetic analysis to valuate the worth of natural environment to the socioeconomic system in the region. The results of emergy syntheses indicate that the agricultural area in the study region played important food provisioning services before the effect of urbanization on peri-urban land use. The emergy synthesis of 2006 also shows that mountainous forest provides services of water supply and water regulation services to urban system. The pattern recognition of ecosystem components via impact matrix shows that the water contained in forest and upstream water resources are correlated with the water regulation; they are the most critical components of the study region.


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