  • 學位論文


Taiwan Service Sector Energy Efficiency Changes and its Improvement Potentials

指導教授 : 張四立


摘要 服務業占台灣GDP的70%,對台灣經濟成長影響重大。又由於服務業屬於低耗能、低污染而附加價值高的產業,政府對於服務業的關注與導引,可促成經濟成長而能源消耗及二氧化碳排放減少的良好發展。聯合國跨政府氣候變遷小組(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,IPCC)第三次和第四次評估報告的共同結論,均強調不論在已開發或發展中國家,包括服務業及住宅的建築物部門,到2030年為止是成本較低而減碳潛力最大的部門。唯台灣有關產業能源效率的相關實證研究,過去多以整體產業或製造業的研究為主,而較少針對服務業能源效率的研究。因此,本論文乃針對2003-2008台灣服務業能源效率進行研究。 本論文的研究目的包括:(1)探討服務業各業別能源效率變化狀況;(2)分析服務業能源效率變化的原因;(3)分析2003年至2008年服務業各業別能源效率變化的影響因素;(4)估計服務業各業別的能源效率改善潛力。 本研究運用兩種方法探討台灣服務業的能源效率發展趨勢與改善潛力。首先採用迪氏指數(Divisia Index)的因素分解法(Factor Decomposition Method),將經濟面能源密集度(能源使用量/GDP)指標中的各產業之附加價值變動、產業結構變動拆解出來,以觀察2003-2008年整體和各部門能源效率的影響。接著運用資料包絡分析法(Data Envelope Analysis)和統計分析,細部探討2003-2008年服務業各業別在能源使用上的特性和各業別的相對節能潛力。   本研究的主要發現如下: 1. 2003-2007年間,批發及零售業、金融保險及不動產業、工商服務業和其他服務業之能源效率有所提升,主要是物理面能源密集度改善與附加價值提升所造成。 2. 2007-2008年間當能源價格顯著上漲時,服務業能源效率改善了0.44%, 主要是物理面能源密集度降低(-1.03%)的貢獻,附加價值率的變動次之(-0.70%)。能源價格提高仍應是造成物理面能源密集度降低(-1.03%)的主因。但產業結構的變動對能源密集度的不利影響(1.29%),大幅沖銷了前兩項因素對能源密集度降低的影響。產業結構的變動,主要為住宿及餐飲業和工商服務業能源密集度提高所致。 3. 能源價格調漲對服務業能源密集度的下降雖有助益,但仍須配合管制,才能更有效的提升該業別的能源效率。所謂能源管制,包括如最低電器能源效率標準的訂定和能源效率分級制度的建立、建築能源效率的管制、綠建築標章的推廣等等。 4. 2003-2005年間,服務業三項業別之技術能源效率均下降,顯示無效率廠商相對標竿廠商的相對能源效率差距擴大。 5. 2005-2008年間,批發及零售業、住宿及餐飲業總技術能源效率變動率分別為6.97%、0.42%、13.02%,顯見其能源效率有相當的提升,特別是上述三個行業於2007-2008年之能源效率增幅相當高。 6. 2003-2008年節能率最大之各種設備,為批發及零售業、金融保險及不動產業的插座用電,及住宿及餐飲業的電梯設備。 本研究之結果,將可提供政府未來擬定能源及經建政策之參考。


Abstract Service sector shares 70% of Taiwan’s GDP and contributes greatly to Taiwan’s economic growth. As service sector consumes less energy, causes less pollution, and constitutes a highly value-added industry, if the government pays more attention and offers more guides, it will achieve favorable development to have more economic growth while less energy consumption and pollution. The third and fourth evaluation reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change of the United Nations have both concluded that no matter in the developed countries or the developing countries, the building sector (including service industry and household) will achieve the greatest potential for carbon reduction with relatively lower cost. However, the energy efficiency studies for Taiwan have focused mostly on that of the whole industry or the manufacture industry, and has studied less on that of the service sector. Thus, this thesis studies the energy efficiency of Taiwan’s service sector, especially for that of 2003-2008. The purpose of this thesis includes: 1) to investigate the change of energy efficiency of various sub-sectors of the service sector in 2003-2008; 2) to analyze the causes for the change of energy efficiency of the service sector as a whole in 2003-2008; 3) to analyze the factors for the change of energy efficiency of various sub-sectors in 2003-2008; 4) to estimate the potential of various sub-sectors to improve its energy efficiency. This research applies two methods to investigate the trend for the energy efficiency of Taiwan’s service sector and the potential for its improvement. Firstly, the Factor Decomposition Method of the Divisia Index is utilized. The change of the added value of each sub-sector and the structural change of the sub-sector have been decomposed from the index of the energy intensity (energy usage/GDP) in the economic aspect, to observe the impact of the improvement of energy efficiency of the whole sector and of the various sub-sectors in 2003-2008. Subsequently, Data Envelope Analysis(DEA) and statistical analysis are used to investigate the characteristics of energy use and its potential for energy saving of each sub-sector during 2003-2008. This research has drawn the following findings: 1. In 2003-2007, the energy efficiency of wholesale and retail trade sub-sector, financial and insurance sub-sector, industrial and commercial service sub-sector, and other sub-sector has improved mainly because of the physical enhancement of the energy intensity and the increase of the added value. 2. In 2007-2008, when energy price was raised, the energy efficiency improved 0.44%, mainly contributed by the decrease of physical energy intensity (-1.03%), next is the change of the added value (-0.70%). And, the raise of the energy price is the main reason for the decrease of physical energy intensity. Yet the unfavorable impact brought by the structural change of the sub-sector (1.29%) offset the lowering impact of the previously-mentioned two factors upon the energy intensity. The structural change of the sub-sector mainly lies in the increase of energy intensity of the residence sub-sector and restaurant and drinks sub-sector and the service sub-sector for the industrial and commercial sectors. 7. Even though the raise of the energy price would result in the decrease of energy intensity, to achieve this result has to be accompanied with energy regulations such as the setting of the minimum standard of energy efficiency and the establishment of the energy efficiency grading system for various electric appliance, the regulation of the energy efficiency for the buildings, and the extension of the green labeling for the buildings. 8. In 2003-2005, the technical energy efficiency of three sub-sectors of the service sector has all decreased, which shows the widening of the gap between the inefficient firms and the benchmark firms. In 2005-2008, the total technical energy efficiency change rate was 6.97%、0.42%、13.02% respectively for wholesale and retail trade sub-sectors, and accommodation and food services sub-sectors, showing the increase of their energy efficiency. Particularly, in 2007-2008, there reveals drastic increase of energy efficiency of wholesale and retail trade sub-sectors, and accommodation and food services sub-sector. 9. In 2003-2008, the most energy-saving facilities are: plug-in electricity consumption in wholesale and retail trade sub-sectors as well as financial and insurance sub-sectors and real estate sub-sector, and elevator use for accommodation and food services sub-sectors. These research outcomes would serve for the government reference for making energy or economic planning policies.


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